This Exists
This Exists
This Exists
Exploring the pop-culture peculiarities that exist in the darkness on the edge of town.

New episodes first Thursday of every month.
False Flags (not that kind)
Месяц назад
Extremely Online | Trailer
3 года назад
Bollywood Nightmare!
6 лет назад
Malt Liquor, Mukbang, and Me
7 лет назад
The band that burned £1,000,000
8 лет назад
@Malcadon 33 минуты назад
Oh right-wing chuckle heads. They act so stoic but always whinnying about something and always shoehorning things into their toxic world-view to spite all reason and logic. These are the people who'll clam that rock-N-roll was invented by Elvis, and should in the future white people takeover hip-hop, they would clam that Kid Rock invented rap. There was a time when they dismissed video games, animated media, comicbooks, collectable cards, figurines, and wargames & role-playing games as nothing more than "child's playthings," so to hell with them.
@michaelt_tamtam 3 часа назад
You're a bass player, too?! Sweet.
@leonenthedk 3 часа назад
Shad call-out, massive.
@michaelsimms7396 3 часа назад
When he gets 0 likes that's means I am dead. I will be here as long as you keep posting love these vids
@fuckboi_killa 5 часов назад
I wish the interviews were just the actual interviews instead of them being shot in VRchat or wherever
@channelname1019 5 часов назад
fucking awesome crossover
@coffeepeals3936 6 часов назад
Art is art. If you want to see it from the left side then that is fine and if you want to see it from the right side that is fine. I choose to let things speak to me and not to react so critically when I don’t understand the narrative.
@nickmoore7020 11 часов назад
He’s got very interesting hair
@samtron5000 11 часов назад
If anyone wants to know the real truth about CRT retro gaming and retro gaming in general come see me.
@chloeryanvtuber 14 часов назад
Im all for old games but i don't understand why anyone who was born after it likes vinyl or CRT. Technological advancements are a great thing, and we should take advantage of them. I played games on an old CRT also but look... Games look so much better now, in HD. Why would I go back lol PS1 games in 1080p are fantastic
@licenseplatejacketradio3425 17 часов назад
I needed this crossover
@TheNewSam 17 часов назад
I'm so happy This Exists is back, honestly, I could listen to Sam go off on like any topic at all, because he always finds ways to make them interesting, but talking retro gaming is speaking my language, so I'm extra happy for this one!
@thevirtuouscollector 18 часов назад
While I own a 55" OLED and it's absolutely fantastic, I am currently gaming on 3 CRTs-- two computer monitors in separate rooms and one CRT TV for my PS2/Retro games and I can tell you that flat screen panels (except OLED) are ruining the fun of gaming with their overly high resolution, sample and hold (lag) and backlight (blacks look grey) and instead of getting a PS5, I got a Steam Deck and hooked it up to the CRT monitor and they look FANTASTIC. There's just something missing from moderns displays (again, except OLED) that only CRTs can give, especially the warm glowy phosphorous tube that evoke a sense of awe and wonder, and I'm not even saying this because I'm nostalgic, I hate nostalgia and my childhood sucks! If you haven't gamed on a CRT monitor or TV in awhile, do try it again and you'd be amazed how quickly these things seduce you.
@redhat9691 21 час назад
OK, real talk; I like the point about people not having to choose sides. So many people don't realize this, you can think both sides are idiots or both have smart and stupid ideas within or hate one or hate both or whatever and have all of that happen in a seperate area of nostalgia and your enjoyment of it.
@redhat9691 21 час назад
Great video
@redhat9691 21 час назад
I'm just gonna put down a few comments to appease the algorithm gods before my actual comment on nostalgia
@thisexists 20 часов назад
lol you’re killing it tysm
@redhat9691 21 час назад
I love this video
@Lourenco.01 21 час назад
I really resonate with what is said here about the link between fascism and nostalgia. It's an illusion that we have fallen from better times and those times need to be protected. Usually by means of oppression.
@DoktorRockszo 21 час назад
Holy crap, dude! Welcome back. I guess This Returns.
@rickc2102 22 часа назад
gamers : CRTs :: guitarists : vacuum tubes
@FruitcakeGamingYT 23 часа назад
I love hee haw
@Phisker День назад
Hah! Mr Hob is in this vid. Poor guy. One day the GOD run will happen. ONE DAY!
@narcis72002 День назад
here from Marilyn Manson.
@DeathByFoodTruck День назад
@brahkie is retrobait
@mattys_room День назад
Can we talk about how crash bandicoot just said majoras mask 3d FIXED the swimming controls!?
@chloeryanvtuber 14 часов назад
Majora's mask 3d actually plays worse than the original without the mod that fixes everything 😂 better to play the ship of harkinian port of the original on PC
@alexzoin День назад
Awesome video. I really do not like 3D mocapped avatars as a video conferencing stand in. They don't look good and do we really need to minimize the human element of communication more? To clarify further, it was a really cool video and I don't think it like super detracted from it or anything. I understand it as a creative choice.
@HorrorShorts1000 День назад
Wasn't Bill Clinton the president during most of the 90's? What does this have to do with conservatives? Yeah, things were generally better then. The economy was good, people could enjoy their games without thinking about politics, you wouldn't have your phone beside you to respond to a text while you were in the middle of playing a game, etc...
@elliottvantonder5477 День назад
Holy shit! This Exists still exists??? The same intro and everything from back in the day?? Wow this just made my day. I think it's been like 6 or 7 years since I've seen this channel.
@GrazCore День назад
Im so glad This Exists is back, I know I say that on every video but I just want to do my part to help this get into the algo by commenting on it and engaging.
@thisexists День назад
thank you for your service.
@nipsnaps22 День назад
Are you slightly out of focus? That is the real question
@doejersey День назад
Great video. Love the thought slime cross over.
@gwen9697 День назад
I see Thought Slime and I insta click and like <3
@wariodedede День назад
"...accidentally keep pulling out their gun and shooting someone instead of saying hello". As someone who just started the game for the first time, this is accurate.
@harlack День назад
"I'm thinking about Trinitrons all the time!" is the line of decade!
Use a dvd recorder like a toshiba to upscale NES and SNES or others to your CRT = it gives the best result!!! @6:40 = i have been hunting for CRTs sine 2012... mate 10 years ago we were already digging for them. 1980s born gamers like me who were the end of Gen-X were always in the know of Consoles up to SNES looking amazing on CRT (the best are 2000s flat crt with great input options like "!color stream" component which has blue green red for color + audio.
@unsocialburrito7179 День назад
im happy this exists exists again......but thoughtslime is a crybully pissbaby.
@AstralPhnx День назад
Absolutely nailed it on the exploitation of nostalgia though
@TheDan14 День назад
I can’t be the only person who’s never heard crt refer to a cathode ray tv before and was very surprised by the content of this video
@AstralPhnx День назад
CRT's are nice but honestly just... Give me a decent deinterlacer and line doubler or hell even just some fucking component cables and I'll live Granted I'm very lucky in that I got into all this stuff before it got super popular so I got most of my collection for cheap and nowadays just mod my systems to play games on them which is ideal. Granted, I do prefer the stylings of older games and I feel some styles of game have gotten less common overtime as games have gotten more expensive to make thus pushing out a lot of experimental AA and A studios which... Is a fucking tragedy and I miss them
@gammaphonic День назад
The reason I play retro games is because they’re fun. And there are a huge number of them I’ve never played. The reason I play on original hardware on a CRT, is because I value an “authentic” experience. Now, that’s not to say this is better or more correct, only that it is the display technology the systems were designed for. Emulation has its inaccuracies and original hardware either looks awful on modern displays, or with the right video scaler, look great but different. Also, light gun games.
@ardentdrops День назад
A crossover to challenge the gods themselves
@quadrata8382 День назад
It's just Twitter (i refuse to recognize X) being Twitter. Both sides of today's politics come up with the dumbest things.
@KINGBublepop День назад
We gotta keep deadnaming Twitter and Facebook (mEtA)
@kai615k 22 часа назад
this is mindnumbingly shallow political commentary
@quadrata8382 22 часа назад
@@kai615k cry about it
@KINGBublepop 18 часов назад
@kai615k This isn't even a centrist "all sides are bad" take. Lots of loud and wrong personalities on Twitter, no matter the political affiliation. Just how Twitter works I guess.
@BlackDominus День назад
It’s nice to see you still exist.
@strewtherrolson862 День назад
This channel is nostalgic in itself. I watched the discography while I was studying and uni.
@Robotgrandma День назад
Wait a minute, this channel still exists? major surprise to see you in my recommendations again.
@KapouehKanard День назад
Great Video, that CRT craze I feel is a north american thing, at some point last year I looked for CRT for a specific project, that required one for technical reasons, and the prices were not that crazy, you could get CRT TVs for 20-30 euros, which sounds fair. One factor I think is the second hand market in europe is very different, technology gets used until it breaks here. Maybe here, that nostalgia is not talking as much to people, or it talks to people that "grew out" of video games.
@TheAltair033 День назад
> gamergate = fascism ok, look... maybe don't talk about politics
@TheTheoTherone День назад
I like this vid and all the new vids! I'm curious about the choice to use avatars for all the interviews though. It's kind of distracting. I would understand if they don't want to appear in a video, but they're usually introduced with their image in a zoom call or whatever, then they become an animated image that (sometimes) represents what they're talking about. Not a terrible choice, but like I said, kinda distracting. My only note! Loved this channel for years, and looking forward to learning about all the things I didn't know existed!
@thisexists День назад
people are definitely divided on the vrchat treatment (i love it but i get it). on a creative level i feel like we did the "zoom window interview thing" perfectly with extremely online and wanted to try something weirder.
@axelprino День назад
One thing I've noticed is that a lot of people seem to have forgotten that CRTs weren't as nice as they seem when you look at the technical specifications. Sure, they had amazing contrast, great response times, and did wonders to obscure the flaws of lower resolutions. But in every other aspects they can't hold a candle to even a basic LCD panel from 15 years ago: they warped the image, they constantly emitted an annoying high pitched noise just by being on, they were incredibly aggressive on the eyes to the point that they cause eyestrain after just two or three hours of watching TV, and your average TV wasn't as nice as a top of the line Trinitron but rather some meh cheapo TV with a fuzzy image and crappy color reproduction. There's a reason why we were happy to drop them like a brick and move on as soon as decent LCD/LED screens became affordable. Although I must admit that PC monitors were significantly better and still worth it if you can find a good one for a reasonable price, or still have a working one, mine all died over time and I can't be asked to seek one. In short: 80% hype, 20% actual substance.
@DorfenThomas День назад
Nice intro 👏👏