Chug Ugly
Chug Ugly
Chug Ugly
Black Girl discussing TV and Film.
DEEP DIVE | Sydcarmy and The Problem With Claire
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@Mel-me9sw День назад
In episode 10 when Sydney showed up at Ever and Carmy greeted her... that was more chemistry than Carmy and Claire had in 2 seasons.
@chisomo8088 День назад
I was soo excited for this season bu I could only watch to episode 5 before giving up. I was bored out of my mind! They ruined everything good about the show. Too many faks, not enough SydCarmy, pointless vulgar fights, too many weird meaningless shots, ugh, im so mad just thinking about it. Saw some tweets talking about that how season 3 of shows set it up for a bomb 4th season, and im so confused, since when?? Because at this point i dont even have faith in the creators that the forth season will be any good either
@peaceandlove1044 2 дня назад
THANK YOU FOR HONESTY!! I just started watching season 3 and im barely able to get through episode 1. Its soooo slow. I dont know if im going to be able to get through it and tht sucks because I really liked season 1 and 2.
@indigop38 3 дня назад
I so fast forwarded through the "love scenes". Talk about wasted seconds. I don't need that. It can be implied by a quick shot of a closing door
@lunamercury_3113 3 дня назад
Shes manic pixie dream girl without the manic pixie like at least follow the trope through 😂
@timpo717 3 дня назад
I appreciate and respect your opinion, but dang does it feel cynical. I saw a character study in season 3 and pain, suffering, and turmoil which is a necessary path way to positive change and growth.
@Keesha_Hardy 3 дня назад
I agree with this. I really don’t care about his relationship with Claire, but Carmy is dealing with that, as well as the abuse he faced with his ex boss back in NY. I’m glad that the show didn’t rush through his arc because it would have been unrealistic for a character as avoidant as Carmy.
@alwayslove93 4 дня назад
All of this is spot on, thank you 🥰🥰
@katarzynastachowicz7834 4 дня назад
Can someone Please appreciate the fact that Claire stressed the shit out of y’all just like she did of Carmy? So maybe the writers are not idiots? Also I don’t believe she won’t go without her issues as No other character is simplistic here. To be honest, she is kind of stalking him, or at least stretching boarders, which means she has facets and layers. Also, she’s not in food business but health business is quite paralel when it comes to stress and ‚every second counts’. There are ways to relate for them. Also, whatever happens between them, will be less cringy than Carny and Sydney thing. Like really? It would make No sense. They have a business romance and emotional connection already and it’s interesting enough.
@MaliniSarkaar 4 дня назад
Such a well-worded review covering every point that went wrong in this season🔥. I have another complaint with this season, and that's having too many faks.
@marcrevan177 4 дня назад
This is a purposeful misunderstanding of the season. Richie and Carmy weren't at odds over fucking Claire, it was because of the constant menu changes among other things that were fucking over the waitstaff. How the fuck could you have possibly missed that?
@marcrevan177 4 дня назад
"All I want is more of the same," is what this bitch is saying.
@he-ch1559 4 дня назад
Like her or not this season needed more Claire for plot sake. Having her in the background was not working.
@valeriedefarias 4 дня назад
To me the main “bread crumb” was on season 6, when he goes give his “donation” and the lady hands him two magazines, one clearly has a man’s face on it. First time I watched it I rewinded it a couple times to be sure haha
@mari98_ 5 дней назад
really wild how the creator/writers idk got so caught up in coddling the white woman tears of their own making that it halted any productive or emotionally genuine progression…. It is true to reality but in the worst way possible 🥴
@IsabellaCoelho 5 дней назад
Claire, as we say in South America, is missing sauce (sauceless). Boring girl. What a lame character...
@johnnyoldenjr. 5 дней назад
I fast forwarded threw the birth episode and tina episode.
@he-ch1559 4 дня назад
Jamie Lee Curtis character is good in doses but full chaotic episodes not so much
@stephandalton2390 6 дней назад
I loved season three
@undercover_idiot 6 дней назад
im so glad im not alone god ive never felt so gaslit by a show
@goopgoopwah9985 6 дней назад
Anyone who says there's not hints is blind but Carmy does not deserve Syd. The way he dipped on that cute food date to be with Claire was FOUL!!!!!!! if they get a romance it better be him being truly pathetic and 110% for her
@liyahjoon4908 7 дней назад
That story Claire told about that girl she had to treat at work, then they made out afterwards (apparently that was a dream) I was very confused lol. Also everyone trying to force Claire to get back with a guy who said nasty shit about her and who is mentally unwell?? Why are they not thinking about what Claire wants. Especially the faks also they aren’t funny! i don’t exactly see it for syd and carm just yet, but they’re very much forcing Claire in and every time I hear Claire bear I have to roll my eyes😭
@cv8499 7 дней назад
I completely agree about all the Sydcarmy stuff. Especially about not paying attention to what the show runners say. The draw is in the will-they, won't-they, so it never makes sense for them to tell people ahead of time if they will or won't. Any show I've ever seen that had a will-they, won't-they couple in it, the show runners played it off and pretended it either definitely wouldn't happen or that they weren't sure, because they obviously wanted to be able to surprise the audience. Also, they sometimes change their minds based on the chemistry of the actors. After seeing the incredible chemistry between Syd and Carmy (on screen and off), they'd be stupid not to take advantage of that. As for Clair, I think it's important to remember that this is a story that is not being told in a linear fashion. It has taken 3 seasons for us to see how Tina came to work at the Beef and why she loved Michael so much. We still don't know much about Carmy's dad or when exactly Michael started struggling with his mental health. I think at some point we may get more background on Clair and why she's had a crush on him all these years, and how she happened upon him in the store that night. She may even get a whole episode to tell that story, starting from high school. We'll see her admiring his artwork, even when he didn't know he was being watched. Maybe we'll see her hanging out with Michael and the rest of Carmy's family but always keeping an eye out for him because he was cute and sweet, but so shy she was never able to really get to know him. Then he went off to NY for culinary school, and she went to NY for med school, and they were both so busy over the next ten years or so. But now, Clair has graduated and is back in town, and maybe someone told her that he was too. Maybe they even told her that he had a crush on her back in the day (his whole family seemed to know that). She had never stopped thinking about him, and thought, maybe now is my chance. So she found him in the store and finally went for it. And because she knows he's unbearably shy and withdrawn, she wasn't going to let him push her away with a fake number. I think getting the back story on Clair would really help flesh out that character and her relationship with Carmy. But I think it will be all to set up the fact that Clair was his dream girl once upon a time, but they're different people now. And memories of her are so tangled with his dysfunctional family, it would be best for Carmy to start fresh with someone who isn't connected to any of that. Syd didn't even know Michael, which in so many ways is a good thing. She's the only person on the show that knows Carmy just for him, not through Michael. And that is significant.
@Keesha_Hardy 7 дней назад
I don’t get how S3 was supposed to start off just like S2 when S2 ended on a low note & S1 ended on a high note. It wouldn’t make sense for S3 to start off the same.
@berserk____1878 7 дней назад
Syd carmy shippers are delusional lmao literally nothing there
@syreetadukes4428 7 дней назад
I feel like the show is becoming so focused on carmey family too damn much. Especially the damn faks. Where is Sydney aunts, and uncles???
@EVONOPOLIS 8 дней назад
Cringey ship name, I hope they don't end up together. If they make that a thing in season 4 I am going to lose it. I'd rather see Carmy and Claire get back together then to see Sydney with him. Also, she's not a good actress. Her name sounds ridiculous too.
@angela-ul2dk 7 дней назад
this is so mean 😕
@EVONOPOLIS 7 дней назад
@@angela-ul2dk Okay snowflake.
@baguettebtch 4 дня назад
lmao cringey comment
@GarveyToure 8 дней назад
Sounds like you wanted more of the same. I did too. This is not that kind of series tho. The writers take chances and they made a deliberate choice to slow down and zoom in on the characters and in that they succeeded. I wanted resolution for the Claire plot but in real life things don’t wrap up in neat packages especially when the person is close to your family. Also remember they filmed seasons 3 and 4 together. Let’s see both seasons before we judge
@juliarangelr 8 дней назад
the most jarring thing about season 3 for me was how all the characters blended together in the background to revolve around carmy and the ghost of claire's plot i kept thinking "sugar would say this, syd would do that, richie would be like this, where are the tina and syd talks?" also, where were the "sorry" sign language moments? it just FELL OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH; it was jarring how disconnected s3 felt from s2 i understand that carmy feels like a different person and is changed, but why has everyone else lost their spice? sugar lost her brother too and she's pregnant, why is she rolling over??? wtf is GOING ON lmao it truly felt like sydney went from co-main character in s2 to secondary character in s3 and i was like????? excuse me, that's not what it looked like AT ALL from the promo and the marketing!! it was very disappointing and out of everything carmy has EVER DONE in this show, hurting claire's feelings doesn't even get top 5, so i'm sorry if idgaf lmao i hope they fix and rewrite whatever they have for season 4, cause this is ridiculous
@juliarangelr 8 дней назад
the crazy thing is: i started watching the bear and by season 1, i was not shipping them at all i thought "people are crazy for shipping sydcarmy, that's insane, they would never work" by season 2, their relationship grew so fast and it was all there, on the screen, i understood! they have the best dynamic in the show
@jacksonaguilar1998 8 дней назад
Pixies over DEI hires anytime! Sydney ruins the show!
@Jewls1000 8 дней назад
Omg yes! I was so shocked they didn't do exactly what you described with Sugar's delivery. I thought all that stuff with her Mom went on way to long.
@lainadelpay 8 дней назад
I didn’t finish the episode bc I felt like the point was made by the third time Sugar went along with the “Hee Hee Hees” breathing technique. Like ok they’re reconciling. Where’s the other characters?
@Jewls1000 7 дней назад
@@lainadelpay exactly! I was thinking maybe the Mom was lying and didn't call her husband for her, so she would be the only one there with her. But when he finally comes I was like okay...where the hell is everyone else!? This cannot be it. Ugh it was so disappointing & they over did that part way to much.
@Jewls1000 8 дней назад
So sick of Claire plotline like get over it! We don't care. They should have never gone with that we didn't need it.
@losvaqueros4761 8 дней назад
What summary of timeline! Great job!!! I think you can cristal clear see here that he is guilty! Just the timeline of the videos and the phones passed out. I mean, if i m 200m away from a shooting, in my house, i still can hear the short gun shots!!!
@dvdscds9539 9 дней назад
I’m not one to care for romance in television though I’m glad other ppl have fun with it, but my theory is Claire is an OC insert for someone’s real life partner bc I can’t for the life of me figure out why…
@michaeln3044 10 дней назад
Ya’ll are so goofy. The show was quite literally a meditation on purpose. It strived for a kind of natural aesthetic almost never achieved on television. Everyone seems to be whining about the missing points of drama and inexplicably destroying the Claire character for god knows what reason. I just think television criticism sucks today. And this is a perfect example. Because it’s always about what the critic wanted the show to do rather than examine what it actually does. The discussion here seems to imply that the manner this season was explored was some sort of freestyle experience. It is so incredibly intentional. This is a just one long season of reckoning on purpose, what matters and what one can and can’t live with. It lets every character touch that touchstone. It’s not fun. It’s confrontational and ruthless and searing most of the time. It’s a tough hang. It’s an examination of what it cheekily alludes to at the final dinner, a trauma meal. But it’s quiet, it’s a panic attack meets depression season arc that purposely makes you feel lost and stunted and broken. I suspect the real reason most people criticize it the way they have comes down to this notion. It could give a fuck about happy ending or storyline goals. I thought it was absolutely brilliant and a completely draining watch. But that was the point. It was so visceral you wanted to eject from it. I’m not sure that lends itself to the type of critique suggested here. It simply challenges.
@Dee_Dee216 7 дней назад
Yeah sure but pacing and impact matters. I just watched season 3 and I can't remember it. I remember every moment of S1 & S2. It explored the same themes, was always more character driven than plot driven but was just better written and executed. This season felt like one really long filler episode which lost all the charm of the previous seasons. There were also inconsistencies with how the characters were presented in previous seasons. Sure depression, exhaustion and lethargy can make people act differently but the differences in character dynamics just felt too stark. The dialogue was at times clunky, scenes and best points were drawn out for too long and we didn't learn anything new about the characters except for Tina and Syd. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that.
@NyikoDoris 10 дней назад
16:04 oh CLOCK ITTTTT. I am expected to be up in arms about Claire MISUNDERSTANDING Carmy’s breakdown. He was bashing HIMSELF. TINA heard the beginning of his rant and keep in mind Mikey’s been dead less than two years at this point…and I’m supposed to gaf that Claire who didn’t respect his boundaries in S2 and went looking for his number, who seems to have such a handle on her life and career that she can go gallivanting around Chicago at random times…has her feelings hurt…when Carmen is bashing HIMSELF?? Like YOU said ily in your voicemail but now won’t even clear the air with him OR his insane family that we are reminded every 15 minutes that you know?? My major gripe from s2 was how in their haste to shut the sydcarmy shippers up, they separated the most important and fascinating dynamic in the show. And from then on the show has suffered. You don’t have to be a shipper to admit that as the seasons move, Carmy’s most important relationship shifts from Mikey to Sydney because she is someone he always wanted at The Beef/The Bear: a collaborator who gets his language. Sydney being as good as she is allows him to go to Al Anon and work on his relationship with Nat. And Carmen initially collaborating with Sydney gave her something I don’t think she’s ever had in a professional kitchen: trust. And that helps her confidence in herself grow. Their push and pull that is born not out of loyalty to a dead brother/boss/family friend, but because they see the world in the same way and WANT to work together…but a few internet people liking the chemistry and seeing a potential romance has the writers (it was actually only Chris writing this season) scrambling to overcorrect using Claire to his show’s detriment
@michellegomes2030 11 дней назад
The minute goofy @ss John Cena appeared, i was done! This season is bad.
@tokyogirl5290 9 дней назад
LOL!!!! They went overboard with the Faks & I agree he’s goofy😂
@michellegomes2030 11 дней назад
Thank you for saying what a lot of us fans are thinking
@hgte74 11 дней назад
I want sydcarmy to happen but I enjoyed season 3. I’m hoping they’re going to make Carmy realise how much he needs Sydney once she leaves.
@mashi_rsa 11 дней назад
Love or hate Claire, it doesn't matter, what matters is the fact that Claire is important to Carmy same way Pet is important Nat. You are so hungry for plot and drama and you forget to remember that The Bear is basically a show about mental health. Episode 1 you are bashing is showcasing where Carmy is at, same way Marcus has his episode too. You didn't even give it atleast a month lmaoo. Go rewatch it, but this time open your heart and calm down.
@LivsWings_ 11 дней назад
This season just proved that sydcarmy voodoo is real
@60scoop.artists70 11 дней назад
I honestly think season one was the best and season two was way too jam packed with way too many stars trying to act like characters. It was a distraction and felt over-crowded, at least for me. And the entire Claire thing was moot also.
@niablee 11 дней назад
I do ABSOLUTELY agree that Syd and Carmy do have chemistry in the most unromantic ways 😂
@niablee 11 дней назад
I haven’t watched the last episode as of yet, but so far from what I’ve seen, if we’re supposed to believe after this that Carmy wants to make things right with Claire… I don’t see it. I think he has built her up in his head so much and if he can’t even call her, let alone send a text apologizing then I just don’t think it’s gonna happen BUT it does seem that she is still pining over him so she might just be waiting for him to call to take him back 😅
@dontlookforme1999 11 дней назад
i had to fast forward through the labor episode it was so boring the whole season 3 was frustrating to watch. the Tina episode was top tier though.
@Bdaychick 12 дней назад
(Talking about Claire) “All those shots of her like…..like a dead wife in a movie” 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭💀
@MultiVales 12 дней назад
If Sydney was white the storyline would already be established
@Alteori 12 дней назад
Thank you!!!
@thehotline504 11 дней назад
Definitely. And the ship wouldn’t have been as hated
@kimberleywilliams7802 11 дней назад
Gag it
@Bdaychick 12 дней назад
Season three really had no direction and I wish they had set a goal ( ie food critics coming for a review and creating the right menu) that would’ve given better structure and a more linear plot to follow. I also agree and hate that it became very Claire centric and completely lost all the chemistry that Sydney and Carmy had developed. Sydney was barely in the season and nothing got resolved. It was quite disappointing
@Alteori 12 дней назад
I hate Claire with a passion lol. I know it's not her fault but the way she is so shoehorned in makes it unbearable. Carmy didn't even like her to that degree and now he's obsessed? This season felt like filler
@PaulGuss 10 дней назад
Thank you. I was trying to find the word "Filler" but couldn't conjure it. Yeah, its a filler season
@pyroAdapt 12 дней назад
I can't believe you literally referred to the table scene as romantic. It's already bad enough that people have no ability to comprehend that having friendship or business partner chemistry doesn't automatically equate to romantic chemistry but the only argument people make for syd and carmy being potential romance partners is that they touched hands under a table. Literally that's it. Nothing else and that's because they have absolutely no romantic chemistry. They would never work as a couple and people only think they would cause of wishful thinking but when you actually think about that happening it makes zero sense and would never even happen let alone work.
@jamesduncan2984 12 дней назад
I’m sorry but Camry & Syd very much gave romance vibes in that scene then any of Claire & Camry scenes in season 2. Most reactors pick up a romantic vibe from Camry & Syd. It’s not shippers fault that Camry & Sydney and have way more chemistry then the couple their trying to push.
@XiniGameplays 12 дней назад
I started to watch the show just BC Buck and Eddie... And SUDDENLY buck kiss a guy... I mean aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I wish tommy make him grow even more so Eddie and Buck stays together and, with Chris, they become this BEAUTIFUL family <3
@KAriedoll 18 часов назад
@lstarsabb 12 дней назад
I think the issue with Claire is she’s too perfect of a character and Carmy is a mess but they keep trying to focus Carmy to want her when he’s not good enough for her. And instead of taking the L and letting her go they want to make it seem like she was the one that got away. I don’t care if Carmy isn’t with Sydney and he ends up with a random girl or is single the whole show but Claire isn’t it.