What The Egad
What The Egad
What The Egad
I do reviews and talk about stuff that I like to talk about.
Spider-Man 2 is a Piece of Cake!
Год назад
Did you know that in SPIDER-MAN...
2 года назад
Analyzing Gleipnir (2020) - Part 2
3 года назад
@Your_Mind_is_a_weapon_USE_IT 8 дней назад
That ending summary pretty much describes any videogame adaption in recent years, stuff happens they called it (name of game) and orange man bad. The propaganda never changes.
@benkai343434 11 дней назад
A female rozzer behaves like a female rozzer. The only difference was that she didn't have a gun to mistake for a tazer. I honestly commend Disney for the realism of this shot.
@supercoolmaniajon265 13 дней назад
"There strings on me.... but they belong to me..... only me." - Lumber
@buhttzmcgee216 14 дней назад
Man, I miss your Digimon retrospectives. This ain't it.
@jameszaldana375 15 дней назад
He’s here to remind you of your digivice extended warranty
@TheMegaultrachicken 24 дня назад
Milleniummon was beaten by hitting its weak spot since this one had a weak spot It's also a weaker Zeedmillenniumon in general.
@TheJaredPunch 26 дней назад
44:00 to be fair, with how young and innocent Hikari is, I highly doubt she would have enough forefront thinking skills to consider this possibility. In all likelihood, she probably surrendered herself out of fear more than anything else. Considering her age and lack of life and death experiences that even Takeru went through, I’m surprised she not being scared 🤬less. 46:42 this is only just the first phase of the final fight mind you. 48:16 This could be because Tailmon was forced to grow on her own. Tailmon evolved naturally like other Non partner Digimon do prior to bonding with Hikari. Also, because Angemon and Angewomon are Vaccine Digimon who an advantage against Virus Digimon (all of the antagonists here, Angemon’s innate type advantage still allowed Angemon to “keep up” with the cast despite being the last Digimon to reach Perfect/Ultimate level.
@vossboss220 28 дней назад
Funny thing is when presented with this dilemma pokemon had to tweak their official lore revolving around the battle pet aspect. 1) wild pokemon are jealous of caught pokemon because trainers are guarenteed to help them reach a higher potential ceiling 2) pokemon in general enjoy battling and so aren't ever technically forced to fight
@simonkarlson6742 Месяц назад
Good vid. Thank you.
@QuarantinedSen Месяц назад
Did you give up on digimon rusty
@whattheegad Месяц назад
I have not.
@DoomNeb Месяц назад
all the shills in the comments with y'all bro 💀 fr grifter aLwAYs wAS woKE bait L take etc etc etc
@Schizo2 Месяц назад
We used to bully idiots like Oxhorn for defending retcons, poor writing and simplified mechanics in Fo4. Now there’s an army of ‘fans’ who clap like seals at the shows surface level references and sperg out at any criticism of it. Fo1 - FNV had very creative ideas for their world building from a ghoul city like Necropolis , ground zero of a nuclear explosion, Long 15 / Dry Wells / Couriers Mile, and a supermutants sanctuary like Jacobs town. The most the show can muster up is a supermarket converted to an organ harvesting operation. The shows just wearing the fallout series like a skin suit, just feeding Fo4 fans a few ‘member berries to keep them engaged as they push subversive Marxist politics. If you want a game that explores the rebuilding of a post - post apocalypse with pretty great gameplay, try Wasteland 3. Liberty Buchanan may annoy some people but you do get to kill her so it evens out for me. The sound track, art design, and diversity of combat encounters are also pretty excellent.
@benq3009 Месяц назад
What subreddit was this video posted on? Or was it a xitter account
@whattheegad Месяц назад
All I did was post to RU-vid.
@benq3009 Месяц назад
@@whattheegad I know, but judging by the comments someone must've shared it on some shithole and aatracted all this attention
@edwardantidruggang7925 Месяц назад
Cheeseknife did anyone tols you u sound like postal dude if he was raised in the southern states. Nice review
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Hey! Would you like to sign my petition?
@edwardantidruggang7925 Месяц назад
@@whattheegad petition to remove fallout show
@edwardantidruggang7925 Месяц назад
People here saying "you dont understand fallout!" Yeah neither do you dumbass, harping on fallout being anti capitalism when it never is (chris avellone himself said that) and call it satire when you guys never even read a peice of satire literature in your life. You guys ur self dont ubderstand the tags you want fallout to be under. Calling it a satire to black comedy to what not... thats why almost every dlcs made by the "fans" sucks ass. Eastern europeans understand fallout more then you and they dont even have proper education structure. God you people suck and your high horse snobbery is worse.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Thing is, Bethesda has been very eager to divorce itself from Avellone's writing.
@Show_quality_trash Месяц назад
Fallout always has been about DEI you snowflake lmao it’s one of the first main stream games that allowed you to play and interact with the in game universe based on sex and race and more so giving perks to interact romantically with the same sex Other games include Skyrim which essentially let you play as a freakin fury This video is meaningless slop
@whattheegad Месяц назад
If it always has been about DEI then what's your problem with me saying that it is?
@thefifthbelfry92 Месяц назад
God forbid you like the show and the games, you have to be a full virgin and argue with people that they actually are wrong and don’t like it.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Who is wrong about what now?
@thefifthbelfry92 Месяц назад
@@whattheegad can you provide an example within the show of how amazons DEI is affecting it? One ?
@whattheegad Месяц назад
@@thefifthbelfry92 Female lead protagonist. Transgender person in the BOS. Maximus is a POC. Various Vault Dwellers are short and/or overweight. None of this is incidental. This is all there as per DEI projecting an anti-White world where all manner of non-white people are represented by someone on screen.
@thefifthbelfry92 Месяц назад
Anyone else like the show and all the games? The show was good I think people are upset fallout is mainstream now. Y’all sound so soft you need a buffout
@Elmonsoon Месяц назад
Bot and shill here... and, yeah, saying Fallout show is woke is actual retardation: 1) Lucy sees motherhood as the noblest goal she can obtain - and she doesn't change this opinion at any point in the show. She and the show never question or challenge this belief. The hero of the show sees her primary role being to reproduce. She even accepts a husband blindly. She is completely committed to her civic duty and the show never undermines this. 2) Lucy 100% physically loses to Monty. He absolutely whoops her ass, and only him being distracted and her surprising him with a very sharp object wins. 3) Even better, a completely gored Monty is STILL so intimidating to her that she freezes and is saved BY A MAN. This isn't subverted, questioned, mocked, nothing. 4) Blonde chick Stephanie also is all about making kids, and is totally devoted to her husband - also an arranged marriage - so much so that she goes into a murderous rage when he is killed. A key aspect of her character is her desperate sorrow at the loss of her husband. 5) The show mocks the Vault for wanting to rehabilitate the raiders. It shows them as naive, dare I say it? liberals! .. and the hero (and the audience surrogate) Norm, suggests the death penalty. The show presents this as the reasonable option - the hard truth. 6) Coop being sexually aggressive with his wife in public is shown as positive. Him pushing back on her, questioning her, asserting his will in the relationship is shown as reasonable and good. Never undermined or mocked. 7) Lucy is attracted to Maximus, get this, because he is a literal knight in shining armor who saved her. She is super turned on by what she perceives as his gallant manliness. This isn't mocked or undermined. Not his sensitivity, or capitulation to her.. she is literally greased up because he swung in on a vine to rescue her. Which, by the way, he did. His rescuing her was never undermined or subverted. Heroic dude got the girl because he was heroic. 8) Pretty much everyone shits on Lucy, including Coop. No girl power moments, not one. Lucy only gets respect by being respectable. Not by being manly, either. Lucy never overtakes any manly role. She is feminine from the first scene to the last scene. 9) Coop is the powerhouse, never Lucy. When he gets in a fight, he kills everyone. When Lucy gets in a fight, she puts up a good one but loses literally every time... and is twice rescued from death by a man. I mean, should I go on? Tell me I am a shill. Do it, I dare you. Since you so very clearly wrong on this, it's all you have left to say.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
First of all, thank you for the thoughtful reply. This is far more insightful than most of the other comments being made. Here's my rebuttal: >The show actively undermines Lucy's want to fulfill her "primary role" as an ongoing detriment and part of her naivety. The show never depicts her desire as an absolute good and something that is worthwhile to fulfill. The opposite, in fact, is what the show illustrates given her father is revealed to be a villain and Muldaver is shown to be a sympathetic lesbian who loved Lucy's mother. >Lucy's losing a physical fight with Monty is not reconcilable with the fact that she also wins a wrestling match with a man during her introductory montage. If anything, Monty only overpowered her because he surprised her, not because he was actually physically stronger than she was. >After Lucy's introductory montage, she is seen by a board of 3 different Overseers and all three of them APPROVE of her. Need I say, Mary Sue? This is the definition of Mary Sue. When--before we've even finished her introduction--we're told everyone else approves of and likes her. This is blatant audience manipulation and cheating the process of character development. >Blond chick continues to fight despite being pregnant and stabbed in the eye with an eating utensil. She very quickly tries to get another dude in her pants only a matter of days after her husband is dead. >The show doesn't mock the Vault of wanting to rehabilitate raiders because the raiders were in on the conspiracy the whole time. >Lucy usurps the traditional role of Male Lead Protagonist by virtue of being a woman who takes on the role of heading out into the wasteland to find her father. This as opposed to her brother who is made to stay behind. >Coop is never "sexually aggressive" with his wife in public. He just treats her like a regular husband ought to treat his wife. Saying regular husband/wife interactions in public are "aggressive" in any way is a pretty woke statement. >Maximus's gallantry toward Lucy is never justified by the story, nor her attraction to him. >Maximus was never heroic; he was constantly lying about who he was and he never pays for it. He left his superior to die, stole his armor, and the BoS leadership...PROMOTE him for it? Yeah, what kind of lessons did Maximus learn from all that? >Lucy gets her finger cut off and has zero reaction to it other than a short gasp. Same as when she gets another finger blowtorched onto her hand. >Coop is only as powerful as the plot requires him to be. In the battle with Maximus, he never exploits the "secret" he says is key to disabling Power Armor. However, during the last episode, he mentions it in passing and suddenly is able to overpower everyone in Power Armor. I have not called anyone in the comments section a shill and I don't plan to either.
@Elmonsoon Месяц назад
​@@whattheegad rebuttal rebuttal: 1) Her father being a villain doesn't reflect on the Vault lifestyle or Lucy's priorities at all. In fact, it is a betrayal of, not a revelation against Lucy's values. They had such juicy low-hanging fruit with the 'breeding pool' stuff to push an agenda and they simply didn't do it. Also, Rose/Lee are never shown to be lovers at all. Again, this would be just such juicy irresistible low-hanging fruit for a Woke show to virtue signal and pander... and they didn't. Imagine what an actually Woke show would have done with Rose/Lee. 2) Watch the Monty fight again, he overpowers her multiple times. Smashes her head, throws her across the room. In a fight over a knife, he wins. A pandering show would have her do her sick wrestling moves on Monty to show girl power!! The show has her get knocked around like a rag doll. As for the 1 second shot of her wrestling earlier, it is a spar. If she is teaching him, or they are practicing holds, or just if she is more advanced than him - she could totally arm bar him. I've been arm barred by a girl before and I am a big dude. I'd absolutely destroy that same girl in an actual fight. Like Monty does to her. The vault dudes are also pretty soft and neutered (which is mocked and played for comedy btw). Also, she is self-deprecating in her description of her talents, which is a feminine thing to do. 3) The board approves of her?? what? She is asking for permission to marry and they approve of THAT. You stretched that one to the moon. Also, imagine what a real woke show would do with a girl having to ask permission to marry! 4) A pregnant injured woman fighting is not woke, it is realistic. Pregnant women aren't limited very much - its just awkward and achy. And actually you brought a really strong point for me. A woman using sex to manipulate a man - that alone is non-woke - especially since the show presents it negatively. A viewer is meant to disapprove. 5) The raiders are again and again shown to be unredeemable savages. In fact, they are probably raiders that Moldaver hired or promised loot to. A woke show would have treated this situation so so so differently. The hero of the scene says kill them, the audience is meant to agree. There is so much not woke about this. I could go on and on. 6) I agree the show flips rolls with Lucy and her brother, but Lucy remains thoroughly feminine throughout. Emotional, attracted to the powerful Knight, repeatedly saved, avoids conflict, polite and sweet, conciliatory, relationship and community focused. Norm is decisive, critical thinking, pretty unemotional, logical, technically minded. Lucy is also knowledgeable but her motivation is to serve the community, which is a feminine motivation. Norm does it for the love of the game. 7) You are reading too much into 'sexually aggressive', I just mean the aggressive role. She is preoccupied with having everyone over for dinner, he wants to bang. When he can't, he just wants to hang out with the dog. He's masculine, she is feminine, the show accepts this casually as good and normal. I gotta clear a pretty low bar, just not woke. It's not woke. 8) Maximus is gallant because he strives for the masculine ideal of the Knight - the protector, the enforcer, the lawbringer. He wants to be a Knight, in the chivalric sense. Him doing this is sexually attractive to Lucy. Lucy is consistently and constantly attracted to masculinity. Thus both are blatantly justified. No woke show could allow this. 9) Yes, Maximus lied and is a dingus, but the show doesn't present it as good. It is a flaw. Maximus' redeeming moment is to decisively take the fusion core and go on a rampage - this is shown as a misunderstanding but GOOD in and of itself. He is vengeful against the Vault, but Lucy pleads mercy. Masculine, feminine. Now imagine that scene with RoP Elrond and Galadriel... you are stretching and forgetting what an actual woke show would look like. Maximus just has an arc, that's all - arcing, by the way, toward masculine ideals. 10) Lucy's under-reaction to losing a finger is very odd but not woke. Dude, Lucy is feminine as hell. There's no getting out of it. She whispers 'I thought I was going to be a sex slave!" with fearful eyes, where a woke show would be like "I'd never allllowww myself to be used by a MAAAAN", followed by her beating up the dudes in the mart, instead she foolishly insists the ferals be let out because of her uncritical bleeding heart. She femininely assumes the men will care about the robot. Imagine Norm or Maximus in this situation. They'd act masculine. They'd shoot that last feral ghoul and never think about it again. It tortures the feminine Lucy.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Lucy's mother and Muldaver are literally shown holding hands as Muldaver dies and chumming it up in flashbacks. This paired with Amazon's DEI forced representation means they're meant to be lesbians and anyone who disagrees is coping. Lucy's father is a bad white male capitalist. Muldaver is a misunderstood mixed female communist. Monty beating Lucy in a fight still conflicts with the fact that Lucy was seen overpowering a man in the montage. Either it's woke or it's just inconsistently written on its face. Take your pick. Yes, the Overseers approve of her after we see a montage of her skills. This is cheating out character development and also an attempt to solve the "Rey Palpatine" problem that Mark Hamill decried when Star Wars had Rey know everything without training. Lucy isn't attracted to a powerful knight. She is attracted to a person of color who is also a thief, a liar, and is promoted throughout all of it. He never learns any lesson throughout the show. The reason he is paired with Lucy is part of DEI where--like Google image search--the desire is normalize white race mixing through representation. No, the show does not present Maximus's actions as a flaw because he is rewarded in the end with a promotion, not punished. He learns no lessons. Lucy is a bossgirl and that's why she doesn't cry out in pain. Pain is weakness and Lucy is never allowed to look like she is weak. She is naive, but the show never depicts her in any moment where her heart isn't in the right place. Despite her naivety, she is always motivated by good morals because god forbid a woman be held responsible for her actions. Best thing the writers could have done was have the Overseers look at her resume and tell her she was unworthy. Not good enough. This would give her an obstacle to overcome, a reason to get out of her own way. Instead, she's a Mary Sue. Boring. If Lucy was "feminine as hell" she would never be out in the wasteland to begin with. She would be at home and her brother would be out there.
@Elmonsoon Месяц назад
​@@whattheegad Yeah almost all of that is you reaching or extrapolating from bias. Saying they are lesbians not from evidence on the screen, not from what your eyes see, but what your narrative necessitates. Women friends hold hands all the time. Like, all the time. You can't say they are DEI-mandated lesbians when the show doesn't show them as lesbians. It's just silly. DEI coming in DEMANDING Johnathan Nolan have Lee touch Roses hand at the end of the show for DIVERSITY. LOL. There are actually woke shows out there and you talking about nothing. Like, actually nothing. Lucy is clearly attracted to Max because of him being a valiant knight. She is greased up about him by the end of the first scene. You saying she is attracted because of anything other than that is you rejecting the evidence of your eyes and ears. She doesn't know he lied until very late in the show, and they finally kiss after he once again does something self-sacrificing and brave - unambiguous chivalry. He is, in her mind and his own, choosing to die to help and save her. She is absolutely wild for this stuff. That girl loves it when a strong brave man saves her ass, and frankly it happens a lot in the show. When he earlier presents his lies, he does so with deep shame thinking that by doing so, she will reject him. He is right, she naturally would. She hates cowardice and lies - but she concedes she doesn't know all the circumstances and offers the benefit of the doubt. She is definitely not attracted to his lies. You are straight up lying or delusional if you don't see this simple reality. Also, did you just say 'normalizing white race mixing through representation'? Miscegenation was really edgy in the 60's and mainstream 'woke' in the 1970s, dude. Jeffersons, All In The Family, etc all approached and worked to normalize it. Unironically 50 years ago. It was fully normalized in US media by the early 90s. What world are you on that you think miscegenation is a woke issue in 2024. This right here is a great example to me of you having fully lost the plot about any of this. Amazon DEI gotta brainwash Americans that it is ok to date interracially. LOL. Alright, buddy. Just like with much of Hollywood, it just so happens that the people making this show have certain sensibilities and are under certain social pressures. The writers and producers didn't want all their main characters to be white, so they made one black. No DEI required.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Can't be bias because Amazon has basically said as much. Mask is off. They aren't hiding it. Lesbians are evidenced by Amazon pushing DEI and wanting people to see lesbians on screen due to LGBT representation. It's not my narrative. This is what Amazon says their policies are. If you say otherwise, you're coping. Your enemies are snubbing their noses in your face and you're trying to convince yourself it's anything but what they're literally telling you they're doing. Lucy is attracted to Max because she is written that way. There's nothing organic going on with their relationship. Anyone can write two characters falling in love and you can see it with your eyes and ears. Just because you write something and have characters perform what you write on screen doesn't mean the chemistry actually works. Especially after she knows he lied. Show rewards Maximus's evil deeds with a girlfriend and a promotion. Not sure how it's delusional to just acknowledge that Amazon has straight-up told me on their website what their intentions are. By the way, Amazon isn't brainwashing people in a general interracial way. It's specifically white people who are mixing. Google image search has also been affected by this. When you're searching for things online, there's a general incentive that you see mixed race couples specifically as whites mixing with blacks. This is all purposeful. The goal, as Amazon puts it, is strength is our differences. Differences imply there is a "normal" you are different from. That "normal" is white, heteronormativity which must be eradicated. That's why they do lesbian representation. That's why they do transgender representation. That's why they do miscegenation. The fact that you don't see it is evidence the brainwashing works, even when they tell you to your face what they are doing.
@GB-sh9st Месяц назад
Excellent work -- sad to see breadtube ganging up to eat you but they can't really hurt you or come up with any good ideas of their own. This was a work of intelligence, and their resorting to ad hominem is telling: they're projecting their own intellectual inadequacy. Make more content.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Most of it is repeating or parroting the same few phrases or refrain. Only like 2 detractors have said anything worthwhile. It's been fun replying to these people, getting them to unravel their (lack of) thoughts about a video most of them didn't even watch before commenting.
@DrSweetJp Месяц назад
this guy is a real life 1 intelligence build
@thefifthbelfry92 Месяц назад
Anyone else like the show and all the games? The show was good I think people are upset fallout is mainstream now. Y’all sound so soft you need a buffout
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Since when was Fallout not mainstream?
@aboutwhat1930 Месяц назад
Yeah you literally have zero understanding of the Fallout universe from its inception in 1997. Basically the USA and China were the only nations left standing (as everyone else was effectively debilitated by severe food, energy, & raw material shortages). The USA didn't much care as the Administration were mostly Enclave members who were happy to fan the flames. A few major corporations greedily snatched up the remaining scraps, making billions on top of billions while hiding technology that could hurt their bottom line in the short term. They rarely bothered looking at improving efficiency either. Many of our common techs weren't invented or weren't widespread-- vacuum tubes dominated over transistors, ICE cars were all massive gas guzzlers, they never bothered to extract natural gas or invent new methods to find oil, they used so much radioactive material in everything that RadX and Radaway were medicine cabinet drugs, and the USA forcefully annexed Canada to sure up its supply of firewood. Further, the USA/Enclave had signed off on human experimentation and were happily developing horrors like FEV (which could make various chimeras, gigantic green super-mutants, and had a high failure rate killing its test subjects). Anyone who tried unionizing or protesting was rounded up and shot by nigh-invincible Power Armored soldiers. The American Dream was dead, buried, dug up, and was now feeding the glowing fungus used to light the Enclave's bunkers due to all the issues they happily created and reveled in. China was little better. We know basically nothing about them aside from that they were the pre-war's Communist adversary, were regularly spying on the USA, was working on stealth tech at many levels, invaded and occupied Alaska (to get enough oil to last them a few years), and may well have shot first to start the Great War (at least according to the NORAD logs). The Enclave still wanted more revenge which suggests that something of China survived the Great War, or the Enclave was using lies for marketing or as an excuse (but weren't shy about admitting to basically anything else evil). So basically this whole thing is a critique of cronyism. In the case of the TV show, Vault-Tec sough out and bought everything to do with the invention of cold fusion and hid it because the energy it produced could defuse the US-China war and thus threaten its vault-building program, all the wealth it accumulated for its executives etc, and that loss of revenue would probably cause a major crisis that resulted in Vault-Tec's bankruptcy/failure as a company. That was hardly the only tech it did that with. The USA had invented (hot) fusion but refused to share that with the world. The USA had bounties of fissile material but the rest of the world was left dark The USA had the last known natural sources of oil but wouldn't share. The USA was finally developing synthetics but again unwilling to share. They had PV panels and various battery types but again refused to share. It literally didn't matter that America and the entire world was intentionally being massacred as long as the Enclave & Vault-Tec were rich and powerful beyond their wildest dreams.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
China is never mentioned in the entire show.
@aboutwhat1930 Месяц назад
@@whattheegad IE you don't know the Fallout lore. There's 6 main games and a few spinoffs too. China doesn't need to be mentioned in the TV show as it was mentioned plenty in the games, though I thought China was mentioned in the show's background TV/radio shows.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
@aboutwhat1930 So everyone who watched the show needs to play the games to understand what is going on?
@edwardantidruggang7925 Месяц назад
Your whole explanation is dumb
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Well, I guess that settles everything. I'm certainly convinced now.
@SwineFluer Месяц назад
Is this one of those videos that is supposed to attract hate comments? 😂 it is stupidly effective.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
If it boosts engagement, I could care less what the comments say. Although it is fun to reply to some.
@andrewwilsey187 Месяц назад
I don't get how it's any more woke than the series has historically been.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Because it's now forced into it didactically rather than organically.
@andrewwilsey187 Месяц назад
@@whattheegad I didn't notice anything woke that didn't seem to directly service the narrative. And I honestly expected to hate it.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
@@andrewwilsey187 A lot of people train themselves not to notice things because they're afraid of being labeled a racist or bigot.
@edwardantidruggang7925 Месяц назад
Name the woke shit that happens in fallout
@andrewwilsey187 Месяц назад
@@whattheegad Ive worked in television since 2011. Even entered in a few film festivals. I've seen all manner of performative pandering. This show, while far from perfect, has close to zero social justice messaging. Unless we're counting a black and female lead, or the fact that a non binary character exists as a glorified extra as woke. But that's the issue, almost everybody has their own subjective definition of the word. And very few of them are in line with the original definition which is, "an awareness of racial prejudice and discrimination." Like I said, I've seen all manner of fake performative pandering to social causes but I certainly don't see any here.
@mushroomman8912 Месяц назад
I disagree with you. I respect your views if your acting in good faith but I really enjoyed the show.
@pestenegra7616 Месяц назад
Tim Cain 🤫🤔
@EattheCommies Месяц назад
I agree. The show is a bit of a joke. It seems like it was made by women.
@pigglypoof Месяц назад
This episode made me feel something when I first watched it, I didn’t understand it yet, but as an adult I do now
@miller42 Месяц назад
And I thought Disney was the only company that hired bots to spam the comments section of videos critical of their products...
@le_sceptique_ Месяц назад
I was subscribed to your channel to eventually watch your Digimon content and I regret seeing you think progressivism is a threat and that you think that Fall Out wasn't progressivist from the start. Fall Out is literally a caricature of capitalism.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
This is false and a lot of people have been gaslit and brainwashed into thinking this is so.
@edwardantidruggang7925 Месяц назад
Fallout was never about capitalism
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Correct. It was more about the individual rising to the occasion and stopping a despotic power from enacting some genetic purity event. Again, reminiscent of many ideals that burgeoned from the 20th century.
@RocAllZtoU Месяц назад
gotta love these "fallout fans".. shut up, just let people enjoy the show.
@LeRealBOI Месяц назад
First Synthetic Man, and now this guy. Ignoring the fact that these people have no clue what makes a good story, can't detect good writing or even read between the lines, they also somehow always get things wrong about the games as well, it must be slop to rage bait people into watching their videos. Although it's also good comedy, seeing how they have a meltdown when laying their eyes on any minority or person that is not a straight male is always extremely entertaining.
@MasterDecoy1W Месяц назад
Vegas, the locus of sin and degeneracy, where certain criminal organizations hid the ill-gotten gains of their financial crimes, will be run by a toucan of cosmic origin. What did they mean by this...
@koelekerel2004 Месяц назад
This video is fire.
@husky6672 Месяц назад
goddamn, amazon still botting and reddit still shilling? I thought ppl forget this boring show by now.
@knoxx522 Месяц назад
nothing says braindead moron more than unironically thinking "someone disagree's with me, must be shilling and bots!"
@stkelly445 Месяц назад
Dude explains that the “story of fallout” is about life after the bomb and how humans make the same mistakes when that’s literally a big part of the story of the TV show lol. This guy sucks.
@KrustyKrabPizza22 Месяц назад
Just another grifter.
@thefifthbelfry92 Месяц назад
Fr. He says the show is woke but won’t say how, only says that it’s woke because the company that made it has a CEI policy? Lmao what a joke I wish I could see the dislikes
@whattheegad Месяц назад
@thefifthbelfry92 DEI. Stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity. Thus basically means they push for LGBT representation in addition to BLM and other progressive Left Wing ideals in everything they do. Saying this doesn't influence their decision-making is intellectually dishonest.
@KrustyKrabPizza22 Месяц назад
@@whattheegad So what you're saying people SHOULDN'T push for minority representation? What a dogshit take lmao
@KrustyKrabPizza22 Месяц назад
@@whattheegad Also, A. Explain to me what parts of the show are "woke" and B. How foes DEI make the show more or less woke?
@KrustyKrabPizza22 Месяц назад
@@whattheegad On top of that, if companies that use DEI promote woke, leftist agendas, why does Fox itself use DEI? Why does fox LITERALLY have their own inclusion index that tracks corporate culture and has a program that helps narrow the gap between black and white employees? Is fox woke now since they use DEI?
@Pinakiprime910 Месяц назад
WHATTTTT a show which is historically been always progressive is progressive? NOOOOOOOOOO.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
So, what's the problem with me calling it what it is?
@Pinakiprime910 Месяц назад
@@whattheegad because you are painting it as it spits on fallouts image and as if its doing a disservice to a the fallout community by being progressive. also progressiveness is on a scale like everything is but you choose to ignore that. being woke means shoving stuff down our throat pretending the author is better and that we are the pigs for not listening atleast that is what i consider to be woke. fallout just has DEI practices because the games are based in an multi ethnic setting and there is nothing "woke" there
@Pinakiprime910 Месяц назад
@@whattheegad you are painting as if the show is doing something bad to the fallout community for doing DEI it is not. "woke" is an inflammatory word used to describe extreme progressiveness which is degenerate. example being shoving propaganda down our throat saying how we are bad people and how the author is so good for standing up to social evils or pretending we are the source of all evil. progressiveness is in a scale like everything in the world there is nuances which is the goddamn point of fallout not everything is woke or anti semitic there are layers to it you just shoving this show in woke is an extremely disingenious take the show does none of that it just does DEI for a diverse ethnic game with so many characters who are black,asian.hispanic it would be actually be stupid for them not to hire ethnic characters. the show didnt suffer because of DEI the story was told nicely, people are hyped for the next season everything is fine
@whattheegad Месяц назад
DEI practices pretty much say they're forcing ideals down your throat. I reference that in my video. It's great getting my information straight from the horse's mouth. It's funny you want to say this isn't true when Amazon isn't afraid to say it at all. They think the world ought to change and they ought to the the pioneers of that change. Amazon isn't holding back. Why are you?
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Sorry, but Amazon says otherwise. It's either believe you or believe what the people running the show are literally telling me is their policy. I'm going to believe Amazon.
@joseibarra6213 Месяц назад
Bro actually doesn't understand Fallout lmao
@joalitionstatus8368 Месяц назад
"woke" in the title? i can already tell this is gonna be Reet ar dead
@mushroomman8912 Месяц назад
You were correct
@skettinbutter3635 Месяц назад
Republicans are super snowflakes
@whattheegad Месяц назад
I agree, they need to get their act together!
@baneofbanes Месяц назад
You can literally be gay and bi in New Vegas. Hell being bi makes you do more damage to everyone! The game series was also the first in the west to depict gay marriage back in FO2, women have always been depicted as just as strong as their male counterparts, deeply traditional organizations like the Legion are depicted as evil, the games have always criticized major corporations and American jingoism, minorities have always been present in the games, need I go on?
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Or you can choose not to be. Representation isn't forced.
@baneofbanes Месяц назад
@@whattheegad yah, and putting minorities in a show isn’t forced either. Grow up dude.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Amazon says otherwise.
@baneofbanes Месяц назад
@@whattheegad yah and I’m sure get this paint whenever you see a minority in the game too huh? Grow up dude.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Does "grow up" mean ignoring what I notice?
@almostmexican3003 Месяц назад
Bro just really needs to be different it seems. The show definitely has issues but overall it's considered a massive win for all fallout fans
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Massive win for Bethesda fans, yes.
@almostmexican3003 Месяц назад
@rustycheeseknife Fallout fans Not just Bethesda fan boys. Believe you me, Bethesda can not write for shit but this show is significantly better than halo or god forbid the resident evil show
@whattheegad Месяц назад
I suppose if you compare different variations of trash, some might smell better than others. Still trash, though.
@Turboautismo Месяц назад
Look at all these shills in the comments, disgusting.
@thekillerprawn Месяц назад
God forbid someone disagree with you...
@Turboautismo Месяц назад
@@thekillerprawn imagine being a tourist that doesnt even know the lore thinking you can talk. Pipe down
@thekillerprawn Месяц назад
@@Turboautismo I'm sorry but that level of delusion is pathetic. You literally know nothing about my enjoyment or experience of or my knowledge of fallout lore and yet you're acting like you just won some big argument. Do you not see how absolutely sad that is?? And I mean, "tourist"? Really??? That is so fucking cringe bro it's a videogame series it's not like you went to war or some shit. Dude really hit me with the "you're a civilian". Absolute joke.
@Pinakiprime910 Месяц назад
@@Turboautismo imagine thinking a show which has reproduced a lot of references getting the vaults right, showed the corruption of brotherhood wrong have no plan about why they would set the bombing of shady sands before new vegas one of the biggest games. let them cook in season 2
@Turboautismo Месяц назад
@@Pinakiprime910 this man used the npc cope argument. shut up lmao
@louis-philippelacharite7201 Месяц назад
Always as been lol. It was not at the same level as the halo series and the ring of power 🤦‍♂️
@hideakiakio6698 Месяц назад
How did shamus youngs RU-vid channel get renamed twenty sided after he died?
@MasterDecoy1W Месяц назад
His family maintain his online presence.
@GenDrake3 Месяц назад
L take. I hate woke shit and this wasnt woke.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
Well, there you have it. A very fine metric for wokeness.
@nathanlariviere8016 Месяц назад
@@whattheegad So your opinion on what is woke and what is not woke is the metric to use, but joe schmoe's opinion here is not a valid metric because what, it is in opposition to your own? What a joke.
@whattheegad Месяц назад
I just notice things. Like how Amazon is fully embraced DEI.
@GenDrake3 Месяц назад
He is acoustic​@@nathanlariviere8016
@zyonhunter Месяц назад
plenty of bots and shills in the comments.
@Elmonsoon Месяц назад
The best sign that you have your opponent dead to rights is that they go for the ad-hominem. If they had a good argument, they'd make it. If they don't? "BOTS AND SHILLLLLS"
@knoxx522 Месяц назад
nothing says braindead moron more than unironically thinking "someone disagree's with me, must be shilling and bots!"