Pint Vods
Pint Vods
Pint Vods
Vods for Pint's twitch streams at www.twitch.tv/pint
This boss absolutely DESTROYED me…
10 месяцев назад
Final Fantasy 16 is AMAZING!
10 месяцев назад
Pint Reacts to DAWNTRAIL!
11 месяцев назад
The Raid I Avoided for 2 years...
Год назад
The Best Raid Tier in FF14...
Год назад
I Finally Finished The Main Story...
Год назад
I want to sniff Halone's Armpits!
Год назад
Pint does the BEST Alliance Raid...
Год назад
A Newfound Adventure...
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The Best RAID in FFXIV...
Год назад
This Raid changed EVERYTHING...
Год назад
Endwalker Broke me....
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Pint prepares to FINISH Endwalker...
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Pint learns why Zenos is so EVIL...
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This cutscene changed EVERYTHING...
Год назад
Pint absolutely LOVES Meteion...
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Pint arrives in Elpis...
Год назад
Welcome to Endwalker...
Год назад
The most SHOCKING moment in FFXIV...
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Garlemald is very depressing...
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@ventusvero4484 11 дней назад
@PintVods Just saying, a year later... everytime I watch this, my USB goes weird around 12:05. Its the darnest thing.
@blackheavymetalman 14 дней назад
I hated the option you could answer zenos on. I only fight to protect those dear to me. I dont like the fighting I dont revel in it I only fight to protect.
@nieralyte6531 16 дней назад
The Shadow really was the friends we Bring along the way.
@BlackXSunlight 19 дней назад
3:47:21 we lost a nonbinary quing 😔
@miss_bec 25 дней назад
The Final Days is tied with The Eclipse from Berserk as my favourite media depiction of an apocalypse. It's unapologetically horrible, nobody is safe, and it turns your worst fears into crawling brutal realities. To quote one comment about The Final Days, "I love the way this sucks." The song that plays when it's introduced in Thavnair, too? Music team absolutely cooked with that. Never has a song made me feel despair like that.
@miss_bec 25 дней назад
The Garlemald section was so damn impressive. They made us feel sympathetic for the empire that's been endlessly portrayed as awful and irredeemable.
@hamptonwooster 26 дней назад
10:20 “I hope the caster is a painter that would be sick” congrats lol
@Duckman8213 Месяц назад
He was just being horny with Garuda the whole time! And I’m all for it 😊
@Shiriin777 Месяц назад
1:19:46 Literally Hitler in the bunker. I wonder if the devs actually took inspiration from the end of WWII with this scene specifically?
@Shiriin777 Месяц назад
This last bit infuriated me so much, I fucking hated Quintus lol. He's so blind and brainwashed to all the suffering his people has caused to those who had nothing to do with their own sufferring. The part where he whines about "Why not let us rule you then" is so tone deaf, he doesn't mention the enslavement and abuse they do to those who aren't their own people that are under their rule, case and point, all of Stormblood.
@smashedbread Месяц назад
I didn't realize it at the time, but this is a real naruto ending. Sasuke and naruto coming together to defeat the final baddie (Zenos and WOL coming together to defeat the final baddie), to then afterwards immediately have their final battle to determine who is stronger.
@cptroot 2 месяца назад
1:57:05 Fans of "British comedy" are definitely not here for "American comedy"
3 месяца назад
Just a heads up to vod viewers you can uninstall chat relay once you get to this video they stopped added them.
@ViewTube_Emperor_of_Mankind 4 месяца назад
After all this time.. I still can’t get over their long necks.. once I saw it.. I could never unsee it.. their necks are just too long.
@youtousim 4 месяца назад
You can call a picture a picture, and still see in it a piece of art.
@crazy8slayer 4 месяца назад
At 1:40 how were people transformed into ea? I can't find any info online about how
@revol113 4 месяца назад
When your optional side content has a better story than most AAA games…
@KooriGraywolf 4 месяца назад
The gods from Hades: "Finally, worthy opponents of sex-appeal. Our battle will be legendary!"
@TarotMage 5 месяцев назад
I was doing okay - stiff upper lip and all that...until the credits started. :*)
@Naxthural 5 месяцев назад
They really missed the mark on this trailer's title. They could have called it the official... DawnTrailer. :)
@deice3 5 месяцев назад
I feel like all the alliance raids are different kinds of cool: -CT is good for the story connections -Void Ark has good story and great theme -Ivalice has fun gameplay -Nier has fun gameplay and the story is more show (in the raids) than tell (you don't miss much skipping the dialogue imo) -Myths is great overall That's how I feel anyway.
@deice3 6 месяцев назад
Damn, that fa-la-la-la-la cover was lit
@jazztiponi8411 6 месяцев назад
The whole flower thing had me weak! I want it back too
@deice3 6 месяцев назад
3:05:40 Emet sulking about having to do fetch quests
@YaMamasAss 6 месяцев назад
I had to come back and rewatch how awful this was lol And the pinned comment! Saying you like high fantasy settings like Elpis and Ishgard, like??? Fam, Tural IS high fantasy. You just want more eurocentric white people high fantasy lmfaoooooooooooooooooooo
@DergonFrostGaming 6 месяцев назад
29:11 it's a good game, you should. I've only played 1/3rd of it myself though.
@tciddados 7 месяцев назад
3:16:45 Important to note, "the game's gotten harder because jobs have more buttons to press, HW was boring" wasn't true during HW, HW has so few buttons now because each expac, they take buttons from low levels to give to high levels for new spells. Back during actual-HW, jobs had just as many buttons as they do now at max level.
@tciddados 7 месяцев назад
"I'm not killing this fight for months, I know it" And 5 months later, he still doesn't have a recorded P12S clear. rip.
@ScarletStarrk 7 месяцев назад
@parky669 7 месяцев назад
you know whats really dumb...when yoshi is like "guess trrhe class, oohhhh tell me what you think itt is!" but you can't...because its an original class...that nobody wanted haha
@NickThyninja 7 месяцев назад
So excited for the new jobs ❤
@Norex7777777 7 месяцев назад
honestly the biggest lowpoint in endwalker for me was that i had no choice but to be a dick to zenos when he came to my aid. i wish they would go back and add an option 3: "I was wondering when you'd show up, you in for some fun?" cuz like when he came in and said "why does it still live, surely it is no match for you?" i bet a good portion of the playerbase just nutted right there
@Lightmagician60 7 месяцев назад
So we lost our of corsir's gun and card magic... And gained a 2nd sword that stick together? No wonder the comments on the trailer are off
@BenkaiDebussy 7 месяцев назад
Athena is literally my character, same face and haircut, just different eye color and slightly different hair color.
@HankJ666 7 месяцев назад
"What kind of stereotypes is the job gonna get?" Bad anime enjoyer AKA: Sword Art Online fan
@KooriGraywolf 7 месяцев назад
What I like about the Shadowbringers trailer is that it doubles as exposition of what the Scions have been doing in your absence, so much that they don't need to show it again in-game
@ghopper289 8 месяцев назад
Pint talking about going too fast and not being able to cry.... I rp walked through endwalker I felt everything
@rickboy7290 8 месяцев назад
Im hyped about the viper class.
@kip_c 8 месяцев назад
dead game
@hydrohomie254 8 месяцев назад
We had so many Kiritos when ARR launched cause SAO was in its prime back then... now we're gonna have so many Kiritos again cause of the new job...
@dustindiaz9493 8 месяцев назад
11.0 will be australia...mark my words...I will be back when we reach that
@IndyAlexander 8 месяцев назад
My take for the mage class is alphi is gonna be the class not krile. Zenos in ew trailer was hidden till reaper was announced alphi is hidden on DT teaser and people think krile is new job but iirc its said shes not strong enough to fight.shb story confirmed alphi is a good artist so it's that kind of job and he is using it on the trailer. That's how I see it.also t t-shirt tmnt all named after artistic historic figures
@malcovich_games 8 месяцев назад
Did anyone say, "Zenos reincarnated as a female Hroth'gar"?
@Controvi 8 месяцев назад
No one here think this job is reminding us of Assasins Creed Black Flag?
@drhapi5308 8 месяцев назад
Holy!! PIRATES ?!??!
@Kat1kafka 8 месяцев назад
Female Hrothgar
@DeepbloodFang 8 месяцев назад
You are correct about the Female voice at the start being the Female Hrothgar character of the new expansion.
@ecchidragon8038 8 месяцев назад
When we have the whole planet... The devs will reveal that there's a bunch of underground kindoms stretching deep into the globe. 🤪
@dieselsandwich42 8 месяцев назад
Two swords and a double sword? We're one step closer to getting sword-chucks in an expansion.
@ShiroNekoDen 8 месяцев назад
There will be chat bubbles it was announced in the art panel
@cyanmage1 8 месяцев назад
sad part is even thought i have been playing this game for 10 years I never noticed we didn't have them till preach mentioned it now I want them so bad