The Wonderful Truth
The Wonderful Truth
The Wonderful Truth
The aim of this channel is to foster a thoughtful and engaging community that delves into the wonders of the natural world, promotes critical thinking, and celebrates the principles of humanism. I aim to provide a platform for those who embrace a secular worldview, promoting a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it.

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The Fine-Tuning Argument DEBUNKED
Месяц назад
Why Organized Religion Undermines Morality
2 месяца назад
The Religious Problems that Liberals Tolerate
2 месяца назад
@kalon227 7 минут назад
Of course religion is irrational. That’s why it’s called “faith” and not “fact.”
@AFMMarcelD 11 минут назад
Fantastic lecture and illuminating points therein. Raised in a house of “god” it took me years to think for myself and to shake the shackles and many delusions of “god” the Abrahamic one btw. The lectures of R. Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, NDTyson, Stephen Hawking and Lawrence Krauss have given me more insight, thought provoking ideas and consolation than any of the religious nuts I’ve encountered through my long years. Cheers 🍻 to Science and enlightenment.
@Highley1958 22 минуты назад
Religion is bullshit. It doesn't even TRY to make sense.
@CHRISTIANNOW 36 минут назад
@tor9273 52 минуты назад
Jesus sacrificed a long weekend
@JojoBautista48 Час назад
The important question to ask is "what is God?" If you know the answer everything else will be easy to answer. If we try to define God as a superbeing that somehow resembles human beings ie like a father or king, with human emotions, with the same human image and likeness, then that would be an insult to God's infinite greatness, it's a deep disrespect to the point of mockery. This is probably the reason why people couldn't agree among themselves if God exists or doesn't exist, they're talking about the wrong god/s. It is a well known fact that energy cannot be created or destroyed, It has no beginning and ending, it is present everywhere from a quark to the entire universe and can transform into matter. God is the Sum of Energies/ Experiences/ Everything (SOE) which can be described as the One Energy. Nothing could be greater than that. God is omnipotent - ALL powerful, omniscient - ALL knowing and omnipresent - present everywhere at ALL times. This can only happen if God is all ALL/ EVERYTHING. The universe cannot possibly expand because energy cannot be created. It's our ability to see farther that expands. I believe this theory of expansion will be proven inacurate. Is it not possible that the reason galaxies move further is because of an unknown force? It's either our universe has no boundaries or it is contained inside a bigger universe together with an infinite number of universes and so on and so forth. If we can grasp the concept of infinity, we would have a better understanding of what God is. In the beginning (probably the beginning of our observable universe) was the Word and the Word is God. In other words God is anything that can be described in words. The word God means good while Devil = evil. Everything that happens whether it is perceived as good or evil is of God's own doing because God is EVERYTHING which means something good will ALWAYS come out from it since God = Good. Without the words negative, wrong and bad the words positive, right and good won't exist. If we don't know sadness, we won't know what happines is. Solutions always come after problems. Every wrongdoing of man or unwanted circumstance (ie wars, crimes, diseases, accidents, natural disasters etc) are flaws that need to be corrected for a better world. Every problem solved is a step closer to perfection as every weakness is converted to strength. Without the negative electrical charged electron there won't be life. Without death we won't be able to see the value of life. It's a constant reminder that we should do something great with our lives. Death is not entirely a bad thing, it's just a new life transformed; energy will never cease to exist. God is definitely good. Failure motivates us to become a better person especially if we believe that God = good. The transformation from a simple cell to complex beings such as humans, through trial and error which took a very long time is definitely a good thing. Evolution came about because of chance and things got better when matter had the option to choose. If energy is movement it's just natural that it can transform into another form of movement such as the living cell with the initial options positive or negative and basically as naive as a rock. With infinite possibilities and time anything is possible with God's infinite greatness. The transformation from energy to man is one of them which I believe signifies the importance of Christ's teachings. I don't think God is perfect because obviously we are not perfect and there are problems that need to be solved. I believe the purpose of God's existence is to become better and greater, from nothing to something until God reaches perfection as that is the logical direction. Nothing was ever created only transformed from the basic unit of existence which is Energy. For me Energy also means "InnerG" or Inner God. As part of the One Energy, we are part of God ourselves or God is inside us. Even non living things and animals are part of God but as humans we are capable of realizing the God in us. Praying to God is just like talking to our inner selves which is connected to everything else. We should always thank God for allowing and choosing us to be part of God's existence and tell God what we can do for God instead of saying what God can do for us, and carry out our purpose of existences which is to get better and greater. Putting up a business that would employ and help a lot of people is great. Operating hospitals and schools as a hobby to help people who can't afford to pay for these is greater. Transforming vast vacant lands into a model community that promotes love and peace is greater. The greatest thing one person can do is not potentially that person's greatest accomplishment, there is always a much more better thing to accomplish. Saying "thank you God for providing me with all I need to become better and greater", "I always think and do what's right" or any mantra that'll make you a better person, repeatedly, as often as you can in your mind, or verbally if you can, until it becomes automatic and forces you to forget and eliminate negative thoughts and actions, will be a tremendous help in your quest to become the best you can be. Consuming only natural food and water, fasting and adequate physical movement play an important role in maintaining optimal health which would aid you to perform your best. Doing your best in everything you do, (ie from folding a shirt to programming micro robots to repair a single DNA strand), as much as you can will train you to be the best you can ever be. Doing what's right, no matter how hard or easy will train you to be better. Don't be fooled by the success or happiness you accomplish by doing wrong. Philippians 2:13 13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. 13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. 13 That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure. We should be reminded that whatever we do is God's doing. If we all believe that, we would be able to do great things. As part of an infinitely great God we are infinitely great ourselves. With infinite possibilities, I won't be surprised if there are superbeings that can live thousands of years if not forever and can travel as fast as energy can travel because that's where we're going. Human nature consists of problems that are progressively being solved using variables to make an equation perfect. I believe heaven is a state where God's existence is perfect although it's not permanent and an end goal by itself. There is only one God, everything included. Whoever is reading this I want you to know that I love you so much, please constantly seek and be reminded of the God or the good in you as much as you can. Religion tends to disunite us because of the different beliefs and gods. Let's all unite and believe in one God, the God/ good within us. Spread the GOOD/ GOD news by being the best you can be.
@sundeutsch Час назад
All religions are basically bunch of fake and filthy stories.
@Arizona-mb8hg Час назад
Americans believe themselves to be smart,nothing could be father from the truth,they"ll learn the day their standing in front of the big Assyrian..SATAN...
@jimzeleny7213 Час назад
The universe goes on forever. And has always been there. No beginning to time and no limit to space.
@swagmama408 Час назад
This is awesome. I grew up Catholic, and honestly have felt guilty for abandoning belief in the religion, this explains so much. Thank you.
@d3r4g0d8 Час назад
So, basically, you are smart or you are religious 😂
@anikettripathi7991 2 часа назад
only fairy tale and tom jerry are truth. we have micci and donald all across the world. we have hundred of catholic nations, more than fifty Islamic nations many Buddhist nations endorsed themselves on religious bases for fun and enjoying polygamy. isn't it. give everything to me then everything is correct and appropriate if you ask what about others its problematic. we can't think unbiased we specific narratives. even invasion and colonial looting are justified justice..
@spaceman5734 2 часа назад
Santa Clause was made up for children. Religion was made up for taller fatter and stupid children with love for all things stupid like religions.
@AvionBlackstone 3 часа назад
I tend to think of myself these days as a believer who sincerely wishes to be an atheist.
@carissaphillips9638 2 часа назад
Funny, I think of myself as an atheist who sincerely wishes to be a believer.
@michaeltape8282 3 часа назад
No one quite like Carl Sagan. Ever inspiring.
@Renato.Stiefenhofer.747driver 3 часа назад
There is NO god ! Religion is for stupid people... and for the poor. Any religion, btw.
@ThroneofDavid8 3 часа назад
Science is based on man's God-given intellect.
@bftdr 4 часа назад
rekigion: made-up solution to a made-up problem.
@jaglazzarinim2558 4 часа назад
Wow you are such a loser💩💩💩💩💩
@3xrcodm 4 часа назад
What is the music used?
@williamtell5365 5 часов назад
I'm not particularly religious but Singer really knows better than this . . . Rationality is not the be all or end all of the human project, and he well knows it. Any philosopher in 2024 knows it.
@Salvadorsantos007 5 часов назад
If God was an imagination, He was explained by human mind, but the opposite happens.
@moontan91 5 часов назад
all religious beliefs *are* irrational. not "is".
@patrickbateman6080 5 часов назад
They say that religion is what gives people a moral compass which is ironic because a lot of religious people are extremely selfish and the reason why they do “good deeds” is to earn their way into heaven and feel good about themselves
@Nootnootvid 5 часов назад
An extraordinary human being, so eloquent, a passionate of science, truly an inspiration for generations to come 🪻💚
@AIFTB3 6 часов назад
*The Wonderful R3tard* 👍
@socratesarvanitakis8547 6 часов назад
Putting things in proportionate perspective!
@olgakim4848 6 часов назад
A giant among men.
@gregmonks 6 часов назад
You do realise that morality has to do with ethics and ethics is a dead branch of philosophy?
@olgakim4848 6 часов назад
Religion is a scourge.
@AFMMarcelD 6 часов назад
“Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong.”- Christopher Hitchens
@brianmuir9059 6 часов назад
If there are perhaps 100 billion stars circled by countless planets it is reasonable to expect that life exists elsewhere but totally unreasonable to think that any one of those life forms submit to the same and many religions we have on planet Earth. Religion is an invention of man to explain things he is unable to explain.
@toni4729 6 часов назад
Cosmos certainly changed my life in more ways than I would have expected. Thank you Carl.
@hifibrony Час назад
Same for me. It was an enormous dose of clarity, reason, and humanism. Sagan is one of my very few intellectual heroes.
@scotttaggart71 6 часов назад
Cosmos, on pbs, early 80s...
@rikkafe6050 7 часов назад
Very nice tribute.
@mocata559 7 часов назад
I really wish I could concentrate on what he is saying but that background music is so irritating and misplaced.
@michellearrington4846 7 часов назад
This guy is an idiot.
@origenjerome8031 3 часа назад
@jimamsden 7 часов назад
People believe in God because we are optimized for escape (it's part of our survival instinct) and fantasy is the ultimate human escape. Couple that with the need for a higher authority figure to organize our societies.
@vanill4137 7 часов назад
you say "yet" as if humanity is infinite 🥲
@supernaturalabilitiessiddh8027 7 часов назад
Love Carl Sagan. We have many things in common.
@LuisErgon-m6r 7 часов назад
An excellent human being!!
@joenahhas4377 8 часов назад
What logic? 5 million PhD's lost in a parallel universe, inside black holes, digging for dark energy? = scientific value of dollar in food stams
@vissitorsteve 8 часов назад
@joenahhas4377 8 часов назад
Science = modern religion. So, Mr. Dawkins shut up
@wadewilson2286 8 часов назад
All these atheist have never heard of the genetic fallacy and think themselves as intellectuals. Strong "I'm am 14 and this is deep" vibes...
@GarryCox-tx5mw 8 часов назад
Iv just watched a video that is almost exactly in line with my own opinions and beliefs just presented in a more consice and intelligent way than i ever could. 👍
@trumplostlol3007 8 часов назад
Science itself is nothing more than a mere "BELIEF". LOL ALL the fundamental ASSUMPTIONS and so-called fundamental variables are NOT real AND do not represent our reality. LOL
@dorkception2012 8 часов назад
What is the definition of science again? I am sure you don't even know it, otherwise you wouldn't write something stupid as your comment. ;) So, Chop-chop!
@origenjerome8031 3 часа назад
What fundamental variables are not real? Can you name one?
@l.m.stewart 8 часов назад
Every time I hear Carl Sagan recite the “The Pale Blue Dot” speech, it gives me chills. I love it!❤
@jmdsservantofgod8405 9 часов назад
Faith and Logic are apart but you can use God given reason to believe! Great people in the Bible did great things by faith!
@dorkception2012 9 часов назад
@origenjerome8031 2 часа назад
God-given reason? How did you know it was God-given? Did God tell you he gave the reason to you? Also, people in the Bible doing great things are just based on storytelling. They are not factually historical. In Exodus, God killed all the firstborn children in Egypt. Did that happen for real, too?
@javirios9234 9 часов назад
One of my heroes and an inspiration to all.