The Confused Adipose
The Confused Adipose
The Confused Adipose
Hello RU-vid and people of the interwebs! Welcome to my small corner of the internet, if you are a fan of all things Doctor Who then this is the place for you! Probably. I post weekly videos focusing on the iconic BBC show Doctor Who, from Controversial Opinions, Episode Reviews, Theories and Speculation all the way to fan films, any form of nerdy content can be found here! So why not subscribe, thanks - Joe :) #DoctorWho #ShowrunnerAdipose
@deanmfe 3 часа назад
Season 1 was in the end a massive let-down and, given Season 2 is already done and dusted, I fear it will be, too. I was so excited RTD was returning but am now disappointed at his whole attitude. Doctor Who's uniqueness is that it has always appealed to a wide audience. Now, we are told, they're happy to cater for a restricted age group. This will not end well.
@gingerguy4532 6 часов назад
The whole problem I had with this season was rubys story it would of been better if she was introduced as someone normal like bill we didn’t need all the mystery behind ruby and her mom all the build up to rubys mom was so pointless
@fadikhoory5350 8 часов назад
'A guy in a mask isn't cool anymore,' define cool, cool as in scary? So what made Maestro scary? Maestro wasn't a floating CGI treble cleff. Maestro was played by a guy. If Maestro is meant to be scary, I'm sure a guy in a mask can be scary or 'cool.' Richard E Grant gave Dr Simeon an aura of threat, and he had to wear a Victorian costume, and that was 11 years ago, not 55 years.
@asthargf 12 часов назад
Joe, I like you xD Thank you for this video 🥰
@antonyepitman3926 12 часов назад
I know most doctors only do 3 seasons but bc this is rustle y David surly he might want to keep the doctor for 4 seasons?
@wrdreacts4247 12 часов назад
Dr W has great ideas that fall apart.....
@andrewraphael3800 19 часов назад
Cutting that dialogue was definitely a mistake - I find this batch of episodes to be a bizarre mix, and certainly not the kind of episodes you needed to introduce a new audience to Doctor Who. It would be like showing a new fan Season 24 as an example of Classic Who (I don't mind Season 24, but it is silly and weird). I think we all expected a bit less recklessness from Russell given the previous era and the stakes that going to Disney+ and relaunching the show brought with it. The season also reinforces the idea that Who does not need huge effects etc. to be good. Whilst it had its moments, season one was definitely more style over substance.
День назад
If DW continues in this path, I fear cancellation.
@heyjude9703 День назад
Here's my take away.. Mrs Flood said she had such big plans, as she faded out... That's a big I'll be back if I ever heard one. At the end she has her little speech, in the snow.... When's the next episode?
@jonw4672 День назад
I had not seen the clip of Russell T. Davies saying she was in a cloak because the story required it until I watched your video. I mean what deluded garbage. I can only imagine that somehow the mess that was this latest series has somehow made sense in his head, but the fact no one around him has challenged him on what overall rubbish he has created just shows he must surround himself with yes people. I truly believe he thinks that the people who don't like the series are bigoted. I have to say I have seen some really toxic things on RU-vid that are so offensive so I do know this is part of it, but the reason I didn't like the series is because overall it was awful. Boom, 73 Yard, Legend of Ruby Sunday were excellent. Rogue was OK but a bit of a forced love story and he just felt like a replacement Captain Jack. To throw out breadcrumbs in plots that go nowhere as part of a bait-and-switch mentality to "create content" is just the worst sort of goading. He thinks he is really clever, but it is kind of an insult to the fans and he has pretty much sunk the show. I didn't think it could get worse than the Chibnall era, but he has taken it back to Time of the Rani proportions. And that is some doing, especially as it is clear he still doesn't even think he has done that and it blaming everyone else. Russell T. Davies, if you read comments here, I think you are an amazing writer and have produced some extraordinary work, but sadly this was dreadful. It is like what happened with Torchwood series 4 and the whiff of big money somehow made you write differently. You killed that show too in a rather similar way. It is so sad. I didn't actually mind the resolution in 73 Yards but did mind it randomly coming up in the truly abysmal Empire of Death. What was that about? The whole reveal of Ruby's mother was just absolutely dire. The fact he had in his script the wording "real mum" just shows again he surrounds himself with yes people who don't challenge him. That really has upset the adopted community and he was just clueless. I can't understand why he did that and then also has a person with 'they/them' pronouns as a villain given the reasons why he said Davros is no longer in a wheelchair. Non-binary and trans people are so abused and then he makes the villain a drag queen? It all just makes no sense. I think one of the most baffling things as well is that this has been called Season 1 for Disney and so should have been an entry point to the show for people who knew nothing about it. But rather than being like the 2005 reset where things were gradually introduced, he introduces his granddaughter and a villain from 40 years ago and then has another TARDIS when you have hardly seen inside or got to know the actual TARDIS. Then having lined up a companion in the fantastic Millie Gibson, she is booted out the TARDIS for a one off companion at Christmas and then a third companion at the start of the next series. It has all felt so jarred and ridiculous. Why should anyone care about these characters? I mean we only had the Doctor in six of the eight episodes. I think Ncuti Gatwa is excellent and I really like him. But I really do have no idea why he cries all the time. I used to run a men's mental health group so I think men talking about their feeling is amazing, but Davies seems to be wanting to create a homophobic trope for all viewers that gay men are "over-emotional" which I think is offensive and a waste. He could have just been a man into men, but instead we have all these tears that then lessen any emotional impact when he should be feeling what the doctor is feeling. Honestly I just can't believe what a mess he has made of it. I have never watched RU-vid content videos before the Empire of Death disaster and have been watching a lot to try and process how the person who brought back the show so amazingly in 2005 has produced such a awful load of rubbish that is worse than the Chibnall era. I watched Boom, 73 Yards and Legend of Ruby Sunday more than once after they aired. But after the resolution of Empire of Death I would never want to watch any of them again as I know the storyline leads to a dog on a lead and a normal woman. Indeed it is also clear he is baiting us with Mrs Flood to create more content with her costumes and everything. After that dire reveal of Ruby's mother and her ridiculous cloak, I now really don't care who Mr Flood is and I can't honestly see myself even watching the Xmas episode. Even if Davies does something else with Ruby's origins with more to come, it is irrelevant. He has lost interest and the audience. If Disney renew the series for a third time I will be amazed. I am not sure what can happen now, but I really think Russell T. Davies should not be involved in future series as he has basically and very sadly sunk the show. The remarkable thing is he seems to believe he is not to blame and it is the fans and audience fault for not seeing his poor story-lining as a golden pavement to the heavens. Russell T. Davies, you are so talented and incredible in many ways but regrettably in this series your story-lining was in fact a litter-strewn pathway to not only a dumpster, or indeed two dumpsters, but a vast rubbish disposal site. I really wish you hadn't junked your own legacy, but you have. And it is so sad.
@Pat12379 День назад
15s becoming doctor whos kratos
@steveader День назад
The problem with this show now, is RTD. Simple. The problem with 14 was Chibnall. The problem with much of 'New Who' has been the writers. They're are just NOT very good.
@shaunjp2211 2 дня назад
Romana maybe? Only a timelord can be everywhere..
@JohnSmith-wolandworld 2 дня назад
Sutek looks really cool in pyramid of mars
@LapsedLawyer 2 дня назад
I see Mrs. Flood breaking the fourth wall akin to Puck addressing the audience at the end of A Midsummer's Night's Dream
@johntate6537 2 дня назад
The things we do know are that she recognises the tardis, she dresses in outfits that look suspiciously like the outfits of past companions, she knew who Sutekh was before anybody else, she spoke of hiding in a way suspiciously similar to the way the doctor talked about Timelords using their regenerations to hide their identities. There certainly seems to be something timelord-y about her. All of this of course will probably turn out to be totally wrong. The only thing RTD likes more than an easter egg is a red herring.
@rickkarrer8370 2 дня назад
I don't mind some mystery, there's certain situations where nothing be ever be better than the unknown (like the briefcase in Pulp Fiction), but this is more akin to how Lost promised big answers at the end of a mystery box, and never really delivered on them. I really liked the season, but was very disappointed with the ending. Not because of the answers, but because they purposely over promised and overhyped. Now, I look back at the season as a means to bait and switch the viewers. I can live with it for a season, but it will get old fast if this continues. And, this is from someone who rarely ever has any negative thoughts on Doctor Who.
@johnlochness 2 дня назад
I love stories with clever explanations, the ship name in Girl In The Fireplace, the nanobotes in doctor Dances, the psychic pollen in Amy’s Choice, etc etc. If at the end of every story we just get RTD dismissing us with magic did it, it becomes kind of pointless
@Eriktheviking66 2 дня назад
I didn’t enjoy this first season , found the story lines messy . The song and dance routines , Rubys parents , the god of death was basically put on a leash and taken for Walkies through the time vortex thus turning back time , wonder what this means for gallifrey ?
@domsquared9878 2 дня назад
I don’t need everything explained but you can’t just excuse illogical things and poor payoff with “oh it’s a TV show/everything is supernatural now” that just smacks of poor production and not taking the audience seriously at all
@Protect-Privacy 2 дня назад
There were some great moments, and Ncuti Gatwa acted brilliantly, but the season was a disappointment.
@theo13728 2 дня назад
I feel like RTD just saying "Oh yeah we did it for the laugh" WAS funny for the first few times but honestly has started to become annoying
@Doodler-JL 2 дня назад
This is the only show I can think of that breaks the 4th wall all the time. Anyway, I need to go watch the next episode of She Hulk.
@ebismusic8813 2 дня назад
Appreciate how you succeed in addressing issues without going all troll 😊
@StephenTurnerVlogs 2 дня назад
They can have their secrets. Just don't give us bullshit bate! Also, maybe the woman leaving Ruby off at the church was never her mother. That can just be the assumption.
@bigd5090 2 дня назад
This show died! Yes, it actually passed on! The clue was RTD calls the last series, Season 1! This is now just a DEI focused vehicle for an agenda! The story will always be secondary to pushing a timey wimey version of 'It's a Sin!' It's over, so stop analysing it! RTD definitely doesn't care!
@HienNguyenHMN 2 дня назад
"We had to cut 20 seconds" is such a lazy answer when the show is being streamed online.
@TalhaMasood 2 дня назад
I don't really mind not explaining why Mrs Flood can break the 4th wall. It doesn't matter, Maestro did it, Doctor did it, did it need an explanation there? No. Same with Mrs Flood we'll find out who she is and what's her deal but I'm fine with not knowing why she can break the 4th wall.
@NicoleGertz 3 дня назад
Ruby’s mum is in a cloak because she was a nerdy teen that liked cosplaying lol the cloak doesn’t need to be explained. to keep us guessing she needed to be covered. maybe what makes ruby special may have something to do with her mystery dad. we assumed that it had to do with the mother since so much of ruby’s focus was on finding her mum.
@mattparker5307 3 дня назад
It feels like Davies isn't.creating questions to be answered later.as much as he's giving fandom something to distract us from criticising lazy writing.
@martinfoote8224 3 дня назад
I'm sure Big Finish will do wonders for Thirteen and Yaz. It felt like just as they were hitting their stride, Covid restrictions really impacted on the stories they could tell. I think the Halloween Apocalypse, The War of the Sontarans, The Village of the Angels and The Power of the Doctor were all top tier though.
@TheConfusedAdipose 2 дня назад
100%, very excited to see where they go with it!
@SteveHill-qs3pu 3 дня назад
Yes why was Ruby`s mother in a cloak making her all like maybe supernaturel or maybe an alien ? Why the pointing she couldn`t see the Doctor !! Then it turns out she is ordinary WHAT the etc ? In 73 yards if the older lady is Ruby only from the future. Then how can she keep 73 yards from her younger self travelling on a train etc ?? If Ruby is just an ordnary human being ? And Russel T Davies kind of reusing an earlier drama Years and years, Which I`ve never seen in 73 yards with the Roger ap Gwilliam plot line ??
@icarusandtherabbit 3 дня назад
Think it would have made more sense to have Sutekh hop on the TARDIS in Wild Blue Yonder at the edge of the universe. One of many continuity inconsistencies that keep cropping up. The law and the rules of the show have been thrown out since Timeless Child, the Toymaker “jigsaw” comment fixed it, but now it’s all over the place. Totally unwatchable first “season”
@christopher1133 3 дня назад
What bothered me about the song and dance scene was when the white lines on the crosswalk lit up. I get it's a nod to Big but there was no reason for the painted road to light up like the piano keys in Big. It just seemed kind of dumb to me.
@phantomrayreacts 3 дня назад
Doctor who release date has been leaked
@charlesmento5968 3 дня назад
@charlesmento5968 3 дня назад
@charlesmento5968 3 дня назад
@charlesmento5968 3 дня назад
@charlesmento5968 3 дня назад
@charlesmento5968 3 дня назад
NOTHING about those eight episodes was fantastic. NOT ONE THING. scificfanhorrormedia.blogspot.com/2024/06/did-i-survive-doctor-who-rtd2-era.html
@BraveLittlePixel 3 дня назад
regarding Ruby's mum, you're missing one, very large piece of information with all your story shortfalls - Ruby's father. The mystery and power and fear of everyone responding to Ruby could very likely be her father, which we have named and set to be revealed soon, and I'm sure if he was just a normal ordinary man, we'd have been introduced to him in Season 1. They're hiding it for a reason
@redhilleagle9518 3 дня назад
"Because it was needed for the story" is like the biggest writing no-no since before time. Incredibly lazy writing and alienates the audience. I'm shocked the BBC are allowing this!
@Spiritof1955 3 дня назад
So we have Mres Flood breaking the fourth wall, and the Doctor and Maestro as well, not forgetting the first Doctor doing this as well for the Xmas episode. I think there's a whole episode just waiting to be written about this 😊
@marshsundeen 3 дня назад
American here. I showed my husband Devil's Chord. He thought it wasa great episode but thought the song at the end was terrible. Music was supposed to be better then. That was more an issue, than no explanation. I realize it is expensive, but do not do a Beatles episode without even one tune.
@thatotherted3555 3 дня назад
I get the sense that RTD has forgotten what makes science fiction worth the audience's time and emotional investment. If the way you tell the story is promising a satisfying answer at the end, you have to know what that answer is, *and* actually provide it by the end. I like the contrast you draw with Rey: the whole "he will knock four times" arc is comparable, in that the Doctor took it as this grand, ominous prophecy, when it really wasn't.
@CineScarborough 3 дня назад
Personally I wouldn't mind if Mrs Flood isn't a God and can still break the fourth wall. I'd be fine with Ruby breaking the fourth wall too. There doesn't need to be an explanation beyond that it's just a bit of fun.
@user-un9go4qe5i 3 дня назад
A huge gay fat Welsh problem, to be precise.
@nealjroberts4050 3 дня назад
The whole "because it was just needed for the story" shows two things: 1) laziness. The DW worldbuilding is fairly tolerant of inuniverse/Watsonian explanations being a tad clunky 2) disrespect for the audience. It basically says you don't care enough to make it make even fuzzy sense.
@lesigh1749 3 дня назад
Doctor Who actually has a tiny problem, its audience. The show has so alienated most of its fanbase and it isn't attracting anyone else in great numbers. That tiny problem is the doom of any show, so this one is over.