Stephan Speaks
Stephan Speaks
Stephan Speaks
Stephan Labossiere a.k.a Stephan Speaks is a worldwide leader in providing relationship advice for women and men. As a relationship coach, speaker, and best selling author; Stephan has used his relationship advice to help countless singles and couples experience better relationships, and a higher overall quality of life.

He can assist you with overcoming your relationship problems and achieving your relationship goals. I hope you will watch and enjoy all of the videos that I have for you.
Guarding Your HEART With Men
14 дней назад
7 COMMON Concerns Men Have ABOUT Women
2 месяца назад
Why GROWING To Love A Man Doesn't WORK
2 месяца назад
WHEN A Man Is Inconsistent Do THESE 7 Things
2 месяца назад
@anniesheets266 18 часов назад
Lol🤣🤣🤣 Bye!!!! Die🥱!!!! Thank God I know who I am and know my worth!!! Can't mess with my self-esteem!!! Do your worst!!!💯
@enkutesfaye3168 18 часов назад
You’re right! I prayed and heard the voice of God it’s time to go and now I am living very peacefully with so many blessings. Praise God!
@miriampacleta664 18 часов назад
I’m a Christian and his a Christian too
@miriampacleta664 18 часов назад
I’m grateful for the goodness of God I prayed and waited for the time that God had granted and answered my prayer. He’s the man i prayed for 🙏
@yorkiesisterskhloemarieand6198 19 часов назад
When I was in this situation ..He is correct . I had to realize . I couldn’t do it alone .. God is the key .. I prayed , cry and scream only to him to remove and give me peace .. Today I am a different person with a different way of looking at Love ..it’s different . It took 5 years to find myself by surrendering back to God . When you walk away from God and put something before him ..Trust me he is a jealous God .. bottom line you can never do nothing in life with Your Father in Heaven .. I thought I had to be in a relationship Nope God showed me .. Life without God is like a broken pencil . It’s Pointless ❤ I am still waiting on Him .. not them 😊
@anniesheets266 19 часов назад
I knew my worth 💯 that's why I let go 💯
@tirnamellum6621 19 часов назад
The last one! - WORD!!! ❤ So many need to hear that, especially me 😆
@anniesheets266 19 часов назад
Now I understand what you saying but what if this person keep trying to disrespect and mistreating you over and over again, even when you've come to friendship level, sometimes you just need let go.
@i-co-ni-c4322 19 часов назад
I have severe trust issues. I’ve been cheated on in every relationship I’ve been in. My most recent, I was in a relationship for 7 years and she cheated on me and got pregnant with another man. Now, I’ve been talking to this girl (long distance) and I’m struggling to trust her. She hasn’t given me reason to not trust her but I see signs that she’s talking to someone else as well. Do I talk to her about how I feel? Do I let it go? Please help..
@Zarasha1 20 часов назад
I believe in creating a home that makes you feel peaceful. I'm not yet married, but anytime people come over to my place the first thing they say is my place feels and looks so peaceful. You can just have a room or studio, and make it your escape. If you not married yet start doing this for yourself. Enjoy being single and let God be your husband. He is my provider, protector, leader, and much more. I have been single for 8 years, and I refuse to settle for someone that can't be the same. If a man is not going to be my provider, protector, leader, and priest of our home I don't want him. I refuse to settle for less. That's what happens when you put God first.
@KING-Kubaba_369 21 час назад
Thanks For A Fresh Perspective. I Always Seen, And Treated Relationships As Personal Choices,And This Makes It Easy For Setting Boundaries And Easily Move On When Necessary, Because It's MY Choice. But One Relationship That I Believed Was "GOD Send" I Suffered, And Struggled With Letting Go When Lines Where Crossed Because It Was My Godly Present🎁. And The Nonsense Became "Tests" That I Had To Pass. That Was My Longest (18mon), Most Toxic Situation-ship Ever. But🤷🤷🤷. But Thank You
@mumbikirori8390 23 часа назад
God gave me a vision who my husband is. I tired to intervene with making things happen to quickly & telling the guy who god showed me is my husband now me and guy & are friends and i have a baby now with my kids father. I still believe God was right good things take time he's not married and single the man from the vision
@mumbikirori8390 23 часа назад
Let go of the vision I saw in church and i know I need let him go. I deserve my fiance and our baby to have a whole happy family. I need to heal forgive completely and let my ex go
@Annalorraine67 День назад
Bad mamas that instilled their kindness
@Annalorraine67 День назад
Bad mamas that instilled their kindness
@choozychelleigh8965 День назад
Omg thankyou
@cindyvazquez4333 День назад
Nobody gets me in bed. So if a man loves me great if not he can move on. I won't be a mans 2nd or 3rd girl. I respect myself too much. Im a one man woman.
@zoilaanasilva9339 День назад
I really like your videos, I broke up with my fiance 3 years 1/2, recently last week we meet n he said he thinks about n miss me all the time, we message several times n I asked him what up what he wants, after we broke up he dated at least 5 different women's n nothing has work out for him, he said to me that he is going out nothing serious with another lady , I told him I don't want to talk to him if he is dating , he said nothing serious, he later message me and said to me" I want you to go on with your life I will do the same, he said I don't think there is a possibility to go back with me 7:51 and that he that's no want make me false promises, I read his message I did not reply to him, I just blocked him, it's very obvious he does not know what he wants n wants to keeping bouncing out with different women's whom end up leaving him, I don't know what to think about him.
@choozychelleigh8965 День назад
@cassandramartin8108 День назад
I always have a level of internal deadlines. The maximum I give a man to commit to me is 3 yrs
@KaylaSwan640 День назад
this video popped up at the right time. confirmation … wow. its been 10 years still see him in my dreams asked God to comfirm how he felt because i thought it was one sided, he messaged me a month later comfirming all my feelings.. all i had to do was accept it so i can move on and thats what i told myself because i was denying it or doubting it. he made me so happy and i could not understand it. thank you God is good.
@patriciasingleton6255 День назад
I really get tired of always hearing what the man wants and needs from a women as if we are put here on earth to satisfy a man's every need and wants,,a women needs and wants are just as important as a man let's be clear on that cause slavery is over,,,
@dwight246 День назад
Still valuable !
@phantayneadkins8508 День назад
Stephan, I think we should talk. You give excellent advice! However, I'm not certain you understand how many men "Simply LIE! I have so many female friends that follow your advice only to find out ,the man was lying the entire time and dating multiple women! " I wish you could get some men to join your show and explain why they lie and are selfish and greedy! Women can do everything right with a lying man and end up hurt! Why do 80% of men play games?
@MaryLovelyaka День назад
Yeah I was on a date with a man who lied from point A to Point B. 1. Was on the phone with a guy friend of his and told him we were at a location and it was crowded, and we were not at said location. 2. We exchanged cards and a small gift he told me Amazon didn’t deliver mines on time, and gave me a card. 3. Told me he would book a hotel room with two beds when I arrived there was one. 4. On my Bday he arrived and told me he ordered me a Bday gift in the mail, before we went out to celebrate ( a mailed gift never arrived) 5. He would talk to me and wink a lot…..all observed within 25 days of dating
@mahoganired8608 День назад
I am ready to commit ❣️
@sheickalewis8496 День назад
Thank you God for letting him use his free will to choose his 20 percent of a woman. I heard he is miserable now and regrets being with her...on top of hating her. God taught him a lesson. 🤷🏾‍♀️
@denanikiawilliams День назад
Great video Labossiere. These are some very good points to take into consideration. Thank you so much. It's no telling who faith you are increasing. Us ladies have somethings to look forward to 🥰🤗. Keep ministering. Its availing much❤🙏💪🙌.
@SofiUk0319 День назад
I had a horrible day, which ultimately let all my insecurities in at the end of the day, but, it was/ is cuz of my over thinking, has nothing to do with my man... he had nada to do with the horrible part, so it's not fair for me to start trashing him in my head, he can't read my mind n doesn't kno what happened, so how can I blame him for not being there
@audreybuchman1972 День назад
IF, He ISN'T practicing celibacy PRAYING & READING the Bible DAILY & SPENDING adequate INTENTIONAL time TOWARDS THE RELATIONSHIP with YOU then THERE will be problems
@Christina_320 День назад
My best guy friend and I have feelings for one another. We both need to just get over our dumb fear and do the thing. I pray God brings courage and clarity for both of us at the right time.
@ChElevenEleven День назад
I love these videos but what makes you right & know all the answers.. did you have an NDE or something