The Dr. John Delony Show
The Dr. John Delony Show
The Dr. John Delony Show
The Dr. John Delony Show is a caller-driven show that gives you real talk on relationships and mental health challenges. We want to talk to you! To send us your questions, leave a voicemail at 844-693-3291 or email askjohn@ramseysolutions.com.

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Our Son-in-Law Isn’t a Hard Worker
21 час назад
How Do I Voice My Needs in Relationships?
4 часа назад
Should I Adopt My Wife’s Son?
21 час назад
My Ex-Wife Is Ruining Our Lives
21 час назад
How Do I Forgive My Absent Father?
День назад
My Daughter Resents Her Father
День назад
My Wife’s Anxiety Is Ruining Our Lives
14 дней назад
Should We Move Away From Family?
14 дней назад
I Kicked My Husband out of the House
14 дней назад
I Relapsed and I Don’t Know What to Do
14 дней назад
@OptimusPrime-m8z 56 секунд назад
Women are such hypocrites. They want you to supposedly love them for their personality.... here is a guy who loves her regardless of her looks. He'll always love her even when she gets old. This is PROOF that women are liars. They want you to lie to them. They can look in a damn mirror every day of the week. They know whether they look good or not. All women know if they are hot or not. But they want you to tell them they are beautiful anyway. Women want to be lied to. And when men are honest and say sorry you're ugly... then women are mad that nobody wants them. Look man stop placating these women s feelings. You have to play the cards you're dealt in life. You do the best with what you're given. We can't mourn for eternity that some people are born horribly disfigured or retarded. Life must go on. You think retarded people don't know they are retarded? If you're retarded and by some miracle find someone that would be willing to marry them you are going to take it and be thankful. Another fact that you have to deal with is that finding a spouse is not like shopping at the mall. So even if the perfect spouse who would think that you are beautiful is out there.... it doesn't mean you'll find him. You have to make decisions in life and move forward. Sometimes things suck and theres nothing you can do to change it. Thats where psychiatrist babel can't help. You must receive help from God. Complain to God for not making you beautiful. Maybe god made you less beautiful so that you would be less tempted to give away what is sacred and should only be for your husband... and then God gives you a husband that will love you. You need to count your blessings. All that said.... this guy is a profound moron. But at the same time we need to stop WORSHIPING female beauty. That is especially true for women worshiping their own beauty or lack thereof. Moses spoke with God face to face. He rejected the daughter of Pharoah and her beauty and married a shepherd girl. You can be a good man and not pick beauty. He was the prince of egypt. He had everything a man could want. And he turned it down. The husband was stupid for saying what he felt, but he wasnt wrong for feeling it or marrying her in spite of it.
@blueseptember2174 Минуту назад
This is why when someone cheats you meed to be alone if even for a time. Because it will make you feel crazy(and understandibly so). But if theyre not around you when the spiral hits you then you cant hit them 😅. So its a protection for the both of you.
@taramills5747 Минуту назад
Mama needs to believe her instincts
@mniks8860 2 минуты назад
What about when your wife says she hasn't felt anything for you in years, doesn't want to be in a relationship with you and can't have sex with you anymore? Then you keep trying for 2 years because you don't want to break up your family, but she is still cold as a rock toward you?
@neisci 2 минуты назад
I am so glad he left. Don't put your hands on people unless you are defending yourself. Drinking is not a excuse and I doubt this was the first time she. Therapy is needed and, so is anger management classes. Stop drinking caller. He should have pressed charges, one time is one too many.
@parker1981xxx 2 минуты назад
She is quite insufferable. Single soon.
@k8spice648 2 минуты назад
Heartbreaking, she lost two of her people in one night 💔 you can hear it in her voice that she can’t say it out loud, I’ve been there you will survive sweet girl ❤️❤️❤️ things will get better
@HaloHuntress 3 минуты назад
Was me. I had to walk away. It's hard but we deserve better.
@sandracopenhaver3230 4 минуты назад
If I remember right and I only say that I was kind of the start of the sentence it does say that a family who neglects their children or a husband who neglects his wife or a wife who neglects her husband while claiming it's in service to the Lord do not understand the heart of the father they don't understand the nature of service when you get married you are making an oath to your family it's either you and your family or serving the lord or you are neglecting your family there's no other way you can't make multiple promises that contradict each other and then blame the more important promise on why you're neglecting your first you neglecting your family in the name of ministry is unbiblical it's ungodly and it's wrong.
@annabelmiller8 4 минуты назад
I love that Delony is laughing 😂
@kristine779 5 минут назад
Retarded advice.
@sallyspits 5 минут назад
Press F for this poor husband.
@yEyA017 5 минут назад
Dump him fast... divorce and clean him out... yuck
@Madeline64 5 минут назад
Man.. what is a 40 - 50 year old mother of 3 young children doing in a night club ? This is the most trash situation. I’m 26 and even I feel too old to be seen in a night club and I don’t even have kids yet. Her lifestyle and probably the lifestyle of her boyfriend is the problem. Become a respectable adult first, stop going out and getting drunk in clubs, spend your free time loving on your children, if you need to get away for a few hours, fine, go on a nice date and walk in the park. It’s incredible how some people choose to live their lives.
@suziesmith9076 7 минут назад
This woman lives in fight or flight mode. Her anxiety is through the roof
@drutherslunst4707 7 минут назад
I LOVEEE when John is trying to tell people their marriage is bad in other ways and they are like. “No it’s pretty good”
@ef366 8 минут назад
Ministry, i.e. I'm a lazy a$$ bum who wants to live off of others. Any male- because this isn't a MAN- that allows his nearly 10-year younger wife to do the providing, is a LOSER.
@esomsel4161 8 минут назад
Praying now!!!
@lexir7504 9 минут назад
it's soo hard to be with someone who's insecure and thinks you're cheating or is jealous. even when your 100% innocent it just can make you feel guilty or ashamed or like you have to hide because they're always accusing lol
@veebliss1266 10 минут назад
The girl who has 150k debt and didnt become a doctor he needs to leave her. They are on two different pages financially . He is a saver and she is a spender. Divorce is adultery and finances top two reasons. He needs to leave ! The other values don’t matter . She’s a great person I’m sure but not smart with money. It’s a bigger problem that grows she’s a giant kid who is not concerned . If he’s smart he will date a women who like to save! And yes they do exist! Drop her! And if this was a man and a woman calling they would advise her to do the same! Do not marry her!!!! He deserves someone smart like himself ! She’s not even taking initiative to pay it off !! 😂 John you are wrong ! Tell that man the truth he needs to run and find a better future wife . She is not mature enough or financial stable to marry! And they would tell a woman caller the same advise if it was a man who had that much debt! That boy will end up marrying her and paying her bills and that is NOT fair to him! He’s Responsible man he deserves way better!
@lindavasa7519 10 минут назад
The big issue will be when they have children. How can anyone trust a child with him. It is a known fact that a big percentage of children that have been molested and or worse had a family member be the culprit
@Jaycarbrownie12 11 минут назад
You are worthy just because God said so !
@randallreid424 12 минут назад
I like Dr. John, I’m in my mid fifties and if I ever decide to talk to someone about my childhood I believe I would be comfortable with him. It’s amazing how hard it is to live with the shame of what happened to you knowing it’s not your fault but you carry the weight of it all anyway. God bless everyone out there
@calebgovati1116 13 минут назад
Why do people get casual relationships. In many cases it is easier for men than women! Women unfortunately will always feel used.. on the guys side it's easier to dust it off and move.. it hits different.. I don't recommend this situation.. I can feel the pain in her voice!
@voupvoup 13 минут назад
🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️ run
@Me321. 13 минут назад
Good way to get more in a divorce.
@ThePolypam 14 минут назад
My husband and I "has" a child together?
@commonenglishmistakes4360 14 минут назад
Omg the priviledge of being an american woman - claiming to want equality to get all of the good stuff and pretending this female priviledge doesn't exist - that you should be able to give up work while your husband brings all the money in and nobody will criticise you but any man who wants the same is insulted. How is it that women should get naything they want and men should never be able to ask for or get what they want. It's so one sided over there
@Jaycarbrownie12 15 минут назад
But everyone Go to church
@crazycuttee 15 минут назад
Lmao I couldn’t stop laughing when John said “ugh thank God, and then you got some aww yeah time, and then you’re like meh” 😂😂😂😂😂 I had to rewind it few times just to hear it again ❤❤❤❤ the way he describes things is exactly how I sound with the sound effects and all that it’s amazing to hear others express it the same way
@gabehoyer5410 15 минут назад
The fact that she’s using GOOGLE to decide whether or not she should tell her husband about this, is all I need to know. Whoever the husband is, get out now.
@Jaycarbrownie12 15 минут назад
Willow the same for me ! I’m in relationship only due to loneliness wishing I could be with someone else
@augiearreola5191 16 минут назад
My goodness, thanks brother! I know. In this day and age , having this problem and feeling alone with it, is crazy, but it's Real
@dianericci8369 16 минут назад
She can lose a lot of weight if she dumps her loser bf, but she doesnt seem to have the confidence to do it.
@sallyspits 16 минут назад
America is in the grip of the worst drug crisis it's ever seen but because the drug dealers that got them hooked was big pharma it isn't acknowledged. Meanwhile the dealers laughed all the way to the bank.
@Jaycarbrownie12 17 минут назад
Go to your local church
@AlorsonDanseX 17 минут назад
African women are dangerous.
@cymarsev 17 минут назад
How many don't believe that she was in an abusive relationship for x years unless she was the one doing it?
@ragenbostrom8075 17 минут назад
That boyfriend deleted the incriminating texts and THEN showed her his phone.
@izzywox8246 8 минут назад
It’s literally impossible to know that
@jessiejoseph1093 18 минут назад
The first thing she needs to do is stop getting rip roaring drunk. I am sorry her pain is so big.
@fernperry-zenke-bj2xy 18 минут назад
Nah, why go back into another relationship when experience has taught I have incredibly bad luck. Ive been widowed twice by motor vehicle accidents and all the other boyfriends have been rather mean. Nope! Dont care if i have no husband now, i wont be getting one either.
@cinthiamiranda4440 18 минут назад
I have a feeling he was cheating. Had she controlled her anger that night maybe she would have found out.
@lynseyboyd3189 18 минут назад
This is a sad reality that i think many people, including women, don't realize is going to happen. I have had 5 kids in 11 years and there are things that have happened to my body that i just have no control over. I ended up getting and abdominal split (where your ab muscles literally rip apart and never fully repair without surgery), an umbilical hernia, lose skin that has stretched and will never go back without surgery, vericos and spider veins due to rapid weight gain because gaining 20-25 lbs in less than a year is hard on your body, and my hip bones separated so drastically that they never went back to "normal" and i have been wider in the hips ever since... Having children is HARD on your body and this man needs to be understanding. His body didnt change like this and yet ill bet every dollar i have that he doesnt look as good as he used to either. Its called life!!
@Jaycarbrownie12 18 минут назад
It’s ok if they are her best friends
@franciskeys9810 19 минут назад
I'm getting really tired of the completely different standards John has for men and women. If this was a man, John would be reading him the riot act about what a piece of trash he is. Instead, he's coddling this violent, unreasonable woman who is looking for anyone to blame for her own bad behavior. She found a good guy and screwed it up and now Delony is trying to find ANY way to blame the dude. Utter bullshit.
@QuietAZdesert 20 минут назад
The complete disrespect in that statement is a telling ploy. Id bet the cheating has already commenced, and now he's just testing her boundaries. Can he have his cake & eat hers too??? 😂🤣😏
@andrea6053 20 минут назад
Women need to have an education, career, and equal pay. Having a family is great but if he cheats or beats women need options to support themselves without an abuser.
@lauren8627 20 минут назад
You WERE married for 3 years hun. Sort out your stuff ASAP.
@Ihavetopoop718 20 минут назад
Get him into a trade, have him start an Electrician Apprentice, Journeyman then Master Electrician. Or a plumber, these people make bank. Just make it happen.
@elizabethbrown5289 21 минуту назад
Hitting someone is not okay. Domestic violence always needs to be taken seriously. She needs therapy to figure out her issues and ensure that she doesn't do this again.